Lauren Boebert blows up the GOP's biggest talking point |

"As has been extensively documented, the Republican Party continues to use the Southern Strategy. GOP officials regularly deploy racist stereotypes about "black welfare queens" and "urban poverty" and "ghetto culture" as a way of encouraging white racial resentment and outright racism to get and keep political power. The idea that lazy and undeserving Black people are "stealing from white America" and are "takers not makers" who don't believe in hard work" and only want "handouts" is a centuries-old lie and fiction that continues through to the present.

By comparison, Republicans deploy a narrative that depicts poor and working-class white people as being especially noble, patriotic, and "real Americans" who are more deserving of government assistance... Alternatively, when judged to be politically advantageous, those same elites will quickly erase the white poor and working class, ignoring them as inconveniences whose very existence highlights the inherent inequalities of capitalism and other structural failings of American society.
White people constitute the largest group of poor people in America. Red states receive a disproportionate amount of support from the federal government and blue states. In fact, White people are the greatest beneficiaries of "welfare" in American history.

...white people are actually very protective of welfare and other government supports for other white people, while simultaneously stigmatizing Black people. These new findings echo other research which has repeatedly shown that many white people change their assessment of a given individual's behavior and morality based on perceived racial group membership where Black people are judged more harshly than white people for doing the same things. Other research shows how white poor and working-class people who use food stamps and other welfare programs rationalize their behavior as somehow being morally superior and different as compared to other people who receive the same benefits.

Contrary to racist and white supremacist stereotypes about lazy and government-dependent Black and brown people, White America (and Whiteness itself) was in many ways created by white welfare programs.

The most obvious example is white on Black chattel slavery and land theft and genocide against First Nations where white people as a group benefitted from a particular type of "white freedom" where wealth, income, and other intergenerational upward mobility was literally built on stolen land and stolen labor.
What economists and other experts have described as "the submerged state" (which consists of such programs as mortgage, education and other tax credits and subsidies) is another example of white welfare that disproportionately transfers money and other resources to white Americans as compared to Black and brown Americans

Ultimately, Boebert's "rural values" and the type of double standards and contradictions about race and gender such language embodies is why the American people do not have a real social democracy that would include such things as national healthcare, free college education, affordable housing, strong unions, a living wage, and long-term unemployment insurance.

As it has since before the founding of this nation, white racism and white supremacy hurts white people too. Boebert's thinly coded racist language of "rural conservative values" is one more example of how that dynamic works.

#socialism4menotthee #GOPHypocrisy #gopidiots #redstatesuckers

Last updated 2 years ago