#Hex23 #Dungeon23 of #RedSunsOverRubicon4 continues with another settlement: Fort Firehawk. This fortress introduces the Thurian Empire, a powerful empire that lies far to the East. But they do have a few outposts in "the frontier" like this one. We also find out that orcs and elves exist on the surface of Rubicon 4, too. There is too much to paste as a screenshot, so here is the link:
#hex23 #dungeon23 #redsunsoverrubicon4 #ttprg #sciencefiction #sciencefantasy #swordandplanet
Now onto the #Hex23 portion of my #Dungeon23 for #RedSunsOverRubicon4 Here the PCs emerge to the surface of a strange alien world. Another long post, so directly linking to the Obsidian Portal post. Plan is to detail 6 areas per hex cluster, then draw the hex cluster every 7th day.
#hex23 #dungeon23 #redsunsoverrubicon4 #sciencefantasy #swordandplanet
Today is a two-for on #RedSunsOverRubicon4 Room 20 of Zenda's Dungeon is Gorf's room.
#redsunsoverrubicon4 #dungeon23 #hex23 #ttrpg #swordandplanet #sciencefantasy
My #Dungeon23 #Hex23 #SwordAndPlanet setting, #RedSunsOverRubicon4 begins in an Orichalcum mine. Here is how it works in the setting as a key component in fueling the #ScienceFantasy technology. https://rubicon4.obsidianportal.com/wikis/orichalchum
#dungeon23 #hex23 #swordandplanet #redsunsoverrubicon4 #sciencefantasy
So I managed to port over nearly all of my #Dungeon23 #Hex23 entries over to Obsidian Portal. If you would like to follow #RedSunsOverRubicon4 it will be there. I will also expand on some details there, too. I will keep posting it here though. This is just so you can have it all in one place.
#dungeon23 #hex23 #redsunsoverrubicon4