@muttonchop @pluralistic all great reads. I'd highly recommend adding #RedTeamBlues to your to-read list as well, it's such a blast.
@pluralistic @grimpen @martinsettle The DRM'd eBook was Chokepoint Capitalism from Rakuten Kobo, one of the eBook stores linked to by MacMillan in the link you provided regarding #redteamblues .
Since youʼve said you donʼt let your audiobooks go under DRM, I had thought you might have agreed with Kobo to sell your other eBooks without DRM as well. ^^;;
I ended up using your craphound.com / PayPal option instead and getting a refund from Kobo.
@grimpen @martinsettle @pluralistic Although the #Kobo version of #redteamblues is DRM-free, Cory Doctorow's other works there may not be. For example, Chokepoint Capitalism is locked under Adobe #DRM.
There was no indication on each respective eBook's description page or at checkout whether or not DRM was used. The DRM status only became apparent when I requested to download the eBook via my account page.
@protecttruth @schneier @gvwilson Sounds like a plot line variant of #RedTeamBlues by @pluralistic
Btw the "I much enjoyed the read" part is a serious endorsement for #redteamblues, the first of the Martin Hench novels, the protagonist being an aging technologist… Perhaps not the best analogy genre-wise, but it rang something Paul Auster Man in the Dark, among the expected near future SF themes. Much looking forward to the rest of the series, e.g. #TheBezzle https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250865892/thebezzle…
I always love listening to Wil Wheaton read an audio book and @pluralistic’s #RedTeamBlues is no exception. Fantastic book. Fantastic performance. I especially got a kick out of the bit at the end of the credits.
Just started reading @corydoctorow #RedTeamBlues and it's very weird seeing a bunch of #California places I actually know, and associated #siliconValley investor + culture stuff, now we're not there anymore.
Although, it was also weird when we were there tbf (I still haven't managed to read Parable of the Talents, Sower so distressed and depressed me, sorry Octavia..!)
#books #scifi #nearFuture #nearFutureFiction #amReading
#redteamblues #California #siliconvalley #books #SciFi #NearFuture #nearfuturefiction #amreading
Feels like this guy could be related to @pluralistic's Marty Hench...
#qt #redteamblues #formerblueteam
Finally, my paper copy of #redteamblues by @pluralistic arrived. Still had to free it from customs, thanks to the EU copies being shipped from the UK. 0,11 EUR for tax, and a 5 EUR lump sum for the import without the IOSS system. Thanks, #brexitreality.
Fortunately, the immaterial contents reached me a while back in .epub format and I much enjoyed the read.
Really enjoying #RedTeamBlues by Cory Doctorow @pluralistic I hadn't read much about it and was expecting a non-fiction book about the appaling state of the tech industry, not a whodunnit set in Silicon Valley covering that same shitty state of the tech industry. It was a bit of a shock to begin with but I'm loving it.
About 2/3 of the way through listening to the audio book version of #ChokepointCapitalism by @doctorow and oh baby is it good.
Listening to how companies have been able to combine #monopoly and #monopsony to capture buyers and sellers has been a real eye opener.
Highly recommended.
Also just recently finished reading #RedTeamBlues by same and my only complaint is that I finished it in 48 hours and wanted more.
#redteamblues #monopsony #monopoly #ChokepointCapitalism
Book review: Cory Doctorow's "Red Team Blues".
tl;dr: I enjoyed it so much that I read it cover to cover - well, start of file to end of file - in a day.
Really enjoying the #RedTeamBlues audio book by @pluralistic - even more so because the story is set all around me in the Bay Area. How does the main character, Marty, manage to find a Walmart in San Francisco? A little bit of artistic license was required…
Fini Red Team Blues de C. Doctorow hier soir.
Très prenant dans le genre fiction réaliste et dur a lâcher.
#tsundoku #Doctorow #RedTeamBlues
#tsundoku #doctorow #redteamblues
I read @pluralistic #RedTeamBlues, and it left me with a few questions. I'm a big fan if Corey's work, and appreciate all he's done to expose the abuses of the monopolistic oligarchs who've managed to capture the regulators who might otherwise hold them in check.
A recurring theme is that these bazillionaire sociopaths have designed fundamentally sociopathic business models built on "enshittification", whereby technological innovation is used to bait first users, then producers, then advertisers into a system; and once they're all locked in, screw everyone over in order to extract rents.
So I was a little taken aback to discover that one of the central characters in Red Team Blues is a tech bazillionaire with a cryptocurrency scheme that has gone sideways. Which is entirely consistent with Doctorow's work, except that this guy isn't the villain. He's the "sweetest, kindest, most decent man".
If that's true, it implies the cryptocurrency schemes these people are profiting from aren't fundamentally problematic, it's just that we need more decent people to get involved. In other words, cryptocurrency doesn't scam people, people scam people.
That strikes me as very much contrary to Doctorow's work: the systems themselves are set up to exploit us, and chasing individual bad actors, or supporting individual good actors, is a sideshow at best.
Anyhow, a thought provoking read, but not in the way I expected.
@pluralistic #RedTeamBlues was a terrific road trip companion. I was all into the adventure during my drive from Sacramento to SoCal. I liked the heart, I liked the financial intrigue, I liked the ending that went from the personal to the systemic. The only part that took me out of the story was that Wil Wheaton in NO WAY sounds like a 67-year-old who regularly drinks bourbon. Still, it's a hit!
Just finished Red Team Blues by @pluralistic and I freaking loved it! #RedTeamBlues
I get so much value from @pluralistic and #corydoctorow stuff that laying out $30 for #redteamblues at a local independent bookstore was an easy decision 😀 (especially after hearing the first chapters read out).
#bookstores #books #redteamblues #corydoctorow