Babu Menos 💬 · @babumenos
740 followers · 5197 posts · Server

— “But everyone else is doing it, too! Whether I do it or don’t, doesn’t change a thing!”

— Well, if you stop doing it and then communicate that and why you stopped doing it, that might make others think — and possibly change their behaviour, too. This is true for any action, be it flying, owning a car, buying fast fashion, or using to-go cups with plastic lids.

Every personal decision to do better might set off a ripple effect that might lead to change on a societal, even global scale.

(This is not to say that we could possibly save the world with personal actions alone; that requires political decisions above all. But these are based on the overall public sentiment, which in turn can be influenced by each of us.)

#littlesteps #onestepatatime #setanexample #BehaviouralChange #change #butterflyeffect #rippleeffect #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #reduceplastic #reducewaste #reduceimpact #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #savetheplanet #noplanetb #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago