Now I've been here a while - doing another #introduction toot.. keep forgetting we can use lots of characters here! Currently running a community project in #YorkshireDales with a focus on #FoodWaste #CommunityFridge #Allotment #ReducingIsolation A big part of what we do is a twice weekly #PublicLivingRoom based on the idea from #Camerados. Worked for many years in analytical #chemistry #geochemistry research before retraining as a #homeopath and working a lot with #MentalHealth #Trauma .. sadly this has been really useful for doing community work. Other interests include #walking #gardening #permaculture #DeathCafe #cooking #crafting especially #patchwork #travel #festivals #reading and me and husband would love to have #goats but unlikely to happen! So will just have to manage with frequent searching of #GoatsOfMastodon hashtag. Since about 2015 been really influenced by the work of #OttoScharmer #ULab and the #ImpactHub model and especially the concept of #prototyping. Was recently described by a friend as 'a bit of a #lefty who gets shit done' and think that actually sums me up perfectly. Picture is of Ethel one of our lovely regular visitors at our #CommunityFridge
#Introduction #yorkshiredales #foodwaste #CommunityFridge #Allotment #reducingisolation #PublicLivingRoom #camerados #chemistry #geochemistry #homeopath #mentalhealth #trauma #walking #gardening #permaculture #deathcafe #cooking #crafting #patchwork #travel #Festivals #reading #goats #goatsofmastodon #ottoscharmer #ulab #impacthub #prototyping #lefty