Whoooohoooo!!!!! Celebrating my certification
by the Redeye Photography Network and the Carbon Literacy Project as a #ClimateAware #Photographer
Concerned about the #CarbonFootprint of your photography practice? Keen to contribute to action by the #photography sector to to reduce its footprint? Follow the link for info about certification.
#NZTwits #ClimateChangeCommunication #CarbonLiteracy #ReducingMyFootprint #RedeyePhotographyNetwork #aotearoa #NewZealand
#climateaware #photographer #carbonfootprint #photography #NZTwits #climatechangecommunication #carbonliteracy #reducingmyfootprint #redeyephotographynetwork #aotearoa #newzealand
Celebrating the arrival today of my certification by the Redeye Photography Network and the Carbon Literacy project as a #ClimateAware #Photographer
As far as I know, I'm the first NZ photographer to achieve certification.
#NZTwits #nzphotography #ClimateChangeCommunication #CarbonLiteracy #ReducingMyFootprint #RedeyePhotographyNetwork #aotearoa #NewZealand
#climateaware #photographer #NZTwits #nzphotography #climatechangecommunication #carbonliteracy #reducingmyfootprint #redeyephotographynetwork #aotearoa #newzealand