@fulanigirl @BlackMastodon We have an account with the NYTimes. Here's a gift article on the Brownsville Safety Alliance.
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #ReducingPoliceViolence #CommunityEmpowerment
#abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #reducingpoliceviolence #CommunityEmpowerment
@BlackMastodon #Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #ReducingPoliceViolence #CommunityEmpowerment @BlackMastodon
The project is not without risk. One violence interrupter was shot but thankfully survived. https://abc7ny.com/violence-interrupter-shooting-brownsville-brooklyn/12921607/ I think I mentioned this program in #1MExperiments, nice to see it is still going. It is a great example of what it takes to re-imagine what safety can mean for each neighborhood. What does your neighborhood need to be safe? Can you help create it? 5/5
#1mexperiments #CommunityEmpowerment #reducingpoliceviolence #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #abolition
@BlackMastodon #Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #ReducingPoliceViolence #CommunityEmpowerment @BlackMastodon
They work with some incredibly complicated issues like intimate partner violence, an attempted robbery of a bodega (that’s a corner store for you non-native New Yorkers), teens engaged in disruptive behavior, and talking people into turning in weapons. The neighborhood reaction is mostly positive and supportive. The NYT story was posted on 06/04 if you have access. 4/5
#CommunityEmpowerment #reducingpoliceviolence #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #abolition
@BlackMastodon #Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #ReducingPoliceViolence #CommunityEmpowerment @BlackMastodon
The police are there but the default position is to allow Brownsville in Violence Out (wearing purple and gold) handle problems. They are a gun violence reduction group but many of them have community credibility. People listen to them. But at the same time the other members of Brownsville Safety Alliance have tables set up to give residents assistance with other issues. 3/5
#CommunityEmpowerment #reducingpoliceviolence #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #abolition
@BlackMastodon #Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #ReducingPoliceViolence #CommunityEmpowerment @BlackMastodon
The group is part of Brownsville Safety Alliance, a coalition of organizations that are committed to creating a model of what a community can look like when it starts to take responsibility for safety. For 5 days several times a year the groups help keep the community safe. This program works with city support and the police have buy in. 2/5
#CommunityEmpowerment #reducingpoliceviolence #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #abolition
#Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #ReducingPoliceViolence #CommunityEmpowerment @BlackMastodon I ran across an article a few weeks ago and I knew I wanted to share the information with you. It was behind a NYT paywall but there’s an alternate link to the story. It’s about a part of Brooklyn that several times a year engages in a program of community groups policing the neighborhood. Brownsville In Violence Out was featured. https://www.essence.com/news/community-police-brownsville-brooklyn/ 1/5
#CommunityEmpowerment #reducingpoliceviolence #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #abolition