Copper Be Gone: The Chemistry Behind PCB Etching - For a lot of reasons, home etching of PCBs is somewhat of a dying art. The main re... - #sodiumpersulfate #chemistryhacks #ferricchloride #hydrochloric #anisotropic #chemistry #isotropic #oxidation #reduction #featured #peroxide #etching #skills #copper #cupric #acid #pcb
#pcb #acid #cupric #copper #skills #etching #peroxide #featured #reduction #oxidation #isotropic #chemistry #anisotropic #hydrochloric #ferricchloride #chemistryhacks #sodiumpersulfate
#SystemsInnovation - #Causality
#Philosophy #Science #Systems #SystemsThinking #CauseAndEffect #Cause #Effect #Physics #Induction #Hume #DavidHume #ConstantConjunction #LinearCausality #NonLinearCausality #Feedback #Holism #HolisticSynthetic #TopDown #BottomUp #Emergence #Emergentism #Reduction #Reductivism
#reductivism #reduction #emergentism #emergence #bottomup #topdown #holisticsynthetic #holism #feedback #nonlinearcausality #linearcausality #constantconjunction #davidhume #hume #induction #physics #effect #cause #causeandeffect #systemsthinking #systems #science #philosophy #causality #systemsinnovation
2023 Progress Report to Parliament (UK emissions reduction)
#UK #emissions #reduction
Lieber Herr #Lauterbach, #Scholz, #Söder, #Holetschek würden sie bitte #endlich ihren #Amtspflichten nachkommen und #vorurteilfrei und #ideologiefrei den Nutzen und Mehrwert für ihre Bürger und Bürgerinnen prüfen lassen.
["#Cannabis and its active #cannabinoide act as #immunemodulatingagents, affecting T-cells, B-cells, monocytes, and microglia, causing an overall #reduction in proinflammatory #cytokine expression and an increase in #antiinflammatory cytokines."] #Lanz 👋
#lanz #antiinflammatory #cytokine #reduction #immunemodulatingagents #cannabinoide #cannabis #ideologiefrei #vorurteilfrei #amtspflichten #endlich #holetschek #Soder #scholz #lauterbach
The other day, weekend breakfast conversation revolved around aging well and the natural phenomena of discontinuance. I don't run 8 miles any more. Some drinks and recreational substances on the list, certainly.
We added another facet today, while out on errands.
The lifting of compelling delusions / allusions - the unobtainable aspirations. I'm not going to be terribly wealthy, nor famous, nor will I probably write a great song. But I might keep trying. 😊
#aging #wellness #happy #reduction
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #edouardphillipe #réduction #vacances
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #edouardphillipe #reduction #vacances
Liquid Staking Protocol Lido’s Defi Dominance Swells From 7% to 26% in 12 Months - According to statistics, the liquid staking platform Lido accounted for 7.45% of t... - #decentralizedfinancedata #decentralizedfinance #ethderivatives #liquidstaking #challengers #competition #marketshare #rocketpool #dominance #fraxether #reduction #coinbase #growth #news #defi #lido
#lido #defi #news #growth #coinbase #reduction #fraxether #dominance #rocketpool #marketshare #competition #challengers #liquidstaking #ethderivatives #decentralizedfinance #decentralizedfinancedata
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #plan #réduction #émissions #hanouna
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #plan #reduction #emissions #hanouna
RT @ICES_ASC: 🎣 The latest themed set in #IJMS highlights the challenges of reducing bycatch, urging behavioural changes from fishers, policy-makers, scientists, institutions, and processes to improve #bycatch #reduction #methods.
Find out more ➡️
#IJMS #bycatch #reduction #methods
Ah… ça y est !
je vois que l'étude de La Sofia sur le livre d'occasion est en ligne…
Je m'en vais lire cela avec attention.
#livre #économie #écologie #réduction #création #financement
#financement #creation #reduction #ecologie #economie #livre
#Reuters 📆 December 9, 2022 ✏️ 📄 #Drafting an executive order to modernize U.S. 🇺🇸 #space regulation, which has #failed to keep up with the increasingly ambitious pace of private-sector #investment and #development. It's intended to #streamline approval for #private #rocket 🚀 #launches, considered an #early step to #simplify existing #regulations before new #rules take shape
#SpaceRegulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #Starship
Pictures :, #FAA logo,
#reuters #drafting #space #failed #investment #development #streamline #private #rocket #launches #early #simplify #regulations #rules #spaceregulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #starship #faa
#Reuters 📆 December 9, 2022 ✏️ 📄 #Drafting an executive order to modernize U.S. 🇺🇸 #space regulation, which has #failed to keep up with the increasingly ambitious pace of private-sector #investment and #development, It's intended to #streamline approval for #private #rocket 🚀 #launches, considered an #early step to #simplify existing #regulations before new #rules take shape
#SpaceRegulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #Starship
Pictures :, #FAA logo,
#reuters #drafting #space #failed #investment #development #streamline #private #rocket #launches #early #simplify #regulations #rules #spaceregulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #starship #faa “#MaskMandate introduction was staggered from mid-June to mid-August 2020 in the 34 public health regions in Ontario, Canada's largest province by population. Using this variation, we find that mask mandates are associated with a 22 percent weekly #reduction in new #COVID19 cases, relative to the trend in absence of mandate. Province-level data provide corroborating evidence.”
#MaskMandate #reduction #COVID19
Oggi, la #CasaBianca ha pubblicato le linee guida che delineano l’ammissibilità per le #comunità #indigene, alla legge #Inflation #Reduction #Act, in merito ai programmi di energia green
Mio articolo
#casabianca #comunita #indigene #inflation #reduction #act
Stablecoin Market Sees Fluctuations With Some Coins Gaining and Others Reducing Supply - According to statistics, on March 26, the stablecoin economy was valued at $135 bi... - #marketcapitalization #stablecoineconomy #stablecoinmarket #top10stablecoins #proofofreserves #top5stablecoins #cryptocurrency #circulation #stablecoins #redemption #statistics #reduction #valuation #dai
#dai #valuation #reduction #statistics #redemption #stablecoins #circulation #cryptocurrency #top5stablecoins #proofofreserves #top10stablecoins #stablecoinmarket #stablecoineconomy #marketcapitalization
Latest collaborative work is out! Congrats to the great team over at @NU_Huppsters and thanks for involving me.
Access to Framework-Stabilized & Fully Sulfided Analogue of Anderson Polyoxometalates that is Catalytically Competent for Reduction Reactions @NU_Huppsters
@NUChemistry @NorthwesternU @CHNSci #MOFs #Catalysis #Synthesis #AndersonPolyoxometalate #Reduction…
#reduction #andersonpolyoxometalate #synthesis #catalysis #MOFs
😎😎😎 Putain,... 20 ANS !
Et oui, nous sommes des précurseurs. Cela fait 20 ANS que PIERRE & SOL est en ligne. OUI, OUI à l'aube de l'e-commerce....
En CADEAU, nous vous offrons une de RÉDUCTION* de 10 % pour nos amis Facebook (en fait, les amis qui nous suivent vraiment 😄 ) Seulement ce 15/03/2023 jusque 23H59
#pierreetsol #reduction #joyeuxanniversaire #20ans
High-loading single cobalt atoms on ultrathin MOF nanosheets for efficient photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction
#CO2 #carbondioxide #reduction
#co2 #carbondioxide #reduction
A new review paper from myself & Nicos Angelopoulos - an introduction to #correlation-based #dimension #reduction methods for #multi-omics (with virus-host analyses in mind) - Arxiv link - - and PDF -
#correlation #dimension #reduction #multi
It has been roughly 1 1/2 months of being strictly #vegan and majorly rearranging my #diet among other changes. I am happy to report things are going well. However, I would not be able to eat a balanced diet without the help of #Cronometer, there are just too many unknowns. The crux of the matter is #veganism is not a diet, it is a #harm #reduction #philosophy / #ideology. It is possible and easy to eat an unbalanced diet full of harmful #ingredients. I hope this helps someone pondering this.
#ingredients #ideology #philosophy #reduction #harm #veganism #cronometer #diet #vegan