@mauricerenck Native highlighting in Reeder would be great and even better if highlights synced to Readwise. I’ve requested this feature from @rizzi but alas no response #rss #reeder #Readwise
"Geht ein #Reeder pleite, lässt er unter Umständen das #Schiff samt Besatzung einfach auf dem #meer Verlassen treibt die Crew umher, oft monatelang. Letztes Jahr erreichte die Zahl aufgegebener Seefahrer einen Rekordwert von 1550 Menschen."
#reeder #schiff #meer #seefahrt
In search of an RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
#rss #netnewswire #reeder #feedly
#rss #netnewswire #reeder #feedly
Pour les utilisateurs de #NetNewsWire, vous avez également des problèmes pour récupérer vos flux sur iPad / iPhone ?
Cela dit, j’ai aucun soucis sur mon Mac.
Je me tâte à repasser sur #Reeder 🤔
Habe lange Zeit #Reeder als #RSS Reader benutzt, vor ein paar Tagen aber auf #Feedly Pro+ gewechselt und bisher nicht bereut. Diese #AI Zusammenfassungen und rausfiltern von doppelten/ähnlichen Artikeln ist schon cool… Leider nicht ganz günstig https://blog.feedly.com/feedlyai-and-summarization/
My primary way of getting news? Good old #RSS.
After the departure of Google Reader, I was using Feedly but in light of their AI surveillance efforts I canceled the account and run #FreshRSS on my tiny home server.
Client is #Reeder on iPhone and iPad - a perfect app if there ever was one.
@Alexis I have tried many/maybe even all of them and have landed on #Reeder You can couple this with a service (such as #Feedly or #Inoreader) or use as a stand-alone and use iCloud sync between devices.
I've opted to try #Reeder as my #rss reader for now, based on recommendations from coworkers and on my post on Lemmy: https://lemmy.ramble.moe/post/878
There were a ton of great options, though! I appreciate everyone who sent me ideas, it made the decision hard.
So now I'm trying to find some good RSS feeds to follow! What are your favorites?
Now that I have pretty much decided on #ivory for mastodon, now it’s onto RSS apps
I pretty much switch between #unread and #reeder
Unread looks great but once I get a larger backlog, reeder seems to do a better job with managing feeds
Support for reeder has always been a bit lacking though.
Estaba leyendo el artículo sobre #GoogleReader de @mcontreras https://mailchi.mp/a10b9610406b/newsletterpruebasmanu_20230627 y me ha recordado lo que más nostalgia genera por el mismo: la comunidad que comentaba los artículos.
No es algo que eche en falta. Tampoco el propio lector porque lo reemplacé por #Feedly y posteriormente con #Reeder (sincronizado contra Feedly y ahora, iCloud).
Lo peor fue la devaluación del RSS como método de consumo de contenidos. Ése es para mí la mayor contrapartida del cierre de Google Reader.
For anyone who wants to keep up with the latest news now that #Reddit is in turmoil. I have gone back to #RSS feeds. Specifically using #Reeder on #iOS and #MacOS. It’s one of the best RSS feed readers I’ve ever used. If you’re not sure if a site uses RSS or not, you can just enter the base domain into Reeder and it will automatically try to find the feed for you. https://apps.apple.com/app/id1529445840
#reddit #rss #reeder #ios #macos
@amaditalks #Reeder by @rizzi - it’s one of the applications I’ve been considering indispensable for many years.