#Nazi #Anslinger:s #Prohibition in Höchstform?
#ReeferMadness a la #ZEIT
Spiel mit #Assoziationen?
Schlechtmachen der Menschen und sie in Verbindung mit Gewaltverbrechen bringen. #Ursachenumkehr #Nazitum #Eugenik als Basis der #Ideologie! #Rassismus als #Geschäftsmodell!
#Cannabis:#Weedmob goto #Menschenrechtsgericht #Hetze
#Cannabinoide #Patent6630507 #Epigenetik
#Söder #Aiwanger #Wegener #Lauterbach #Scholz #Buschmann #SPD #FDP #CSU #CDU
#LastGeneration #fff #cdu #csu #fdp #spd #Buschmann #scholz #lauterbach #Wegener #aiwanger #Soder #epigenetik #patent6630507 #cannabinoide #hetze #Menschenrechtsgericht #WeedMob #cannabis #geschaftsmodell #rassismus #ideologie #eugenik #nazitum #ursachenumkehr #Assoziationen #zeit #reefermadness #prohibition #anslinger #nazi
#BrianKilmeade seriously believes that secondhand #weed #smoke wafting over from a park next door is going to effect the minds and abilities of #tennis players at the #USOpen in #NewYork. This level of panicked stupid hasn't been seen since the first #DARE t-shirt came off the press. This is what happens when you work for a network whose audience is almost exclusively made up of elderly white racists.
#ReeferMadness #DevilsLettuce #theyredoingthepot #injectingmarijuanas
#reefermadness #devilslettuce #theyredoingthepot #injectingmarijuanas #briankilmeade #weed #smoke #tennis #usopen #newyork #dare
I couldn't mention #RiffTrax Live in that last post without plugging the #ReeferMadness video. These guys are hysterical and do great work with a self-run production studio that could fit on a postage stamp. Please buy their work and support them!
Whenever #RiffTrax releases a “potaganda" video, I watched it stoned, just on general principle. Their RiffTrax Live version of #ReeferMadness is great -- especially since they used a *colorized* print where smoke comes out of people's mouths in a variety of bright colors. 🤣
Plus, this new video features Scott Baio, whose most recent roles have been “Trump apologist" and "accused serial sexual harasser.” And he did all that *without* pot! Such a mensch!
#reefermadness 🚬😂🤣
Marijuana is getting out of hand. The federal government must step in. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/08/17/marijuana-fda-potency-regulation/
#SariashMusicBox #NowPlaying #FullAlbum
Anyone saw this Reefer Madness Musical Movie with the charming Kristen Bell? 😊
Here is the playlist for the full soundtrack album on youtube via invidious:
#sariashmusicbox #nowplaying #fullalbum #music #musical #soundtrack #reefermadness #kristenbell
WANN fragt der #ReeferMadness:#SPIEGEL nach den #finCEN Files und den finanzhistorischen Zusammenhängen: #Anslinger, der #Prohibition und der globalen Geldwäschesysteme im #Schatten demokratischer Regierungen!? #weedmob
#Kiffen light mit #Lauterbach
Eine Kolumne von Alexander Neubacher
Ein Gesundheitsminister, der Salz und Grillfleisch für mordsgefährlich hält, soll Cannabis legalisieren. Das kann nur schiefgehen.
15.07.2023, 16.07 Uhr https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/cannabis-freigabe-kiffen-light-mit-karl-lauterbach-kolumne-a-ee8a7ac5-5947-4734-accb-ae00780fc246 [€] }
#lauterbach #kiffen #cannabis #WeedMob #schatten #prohibition #anslinger #FinCEN #spiegel #reefermadness
#wallstreetjournal - did y’all just watch #reefermadness ?
Cannabis Is Linked to Mental Illness - The Wall Street Journal https://apple.news/AifhESSK9TTS9ZIgid4pa_g
#wallstreetjournal #reefermadness
Not sure which side you're trying to highlight here.
The mere asking of that question tells me the author/editor knows nothing of Cannabis. (other than #ReeferMadness and #WarOnDrugs propaganda)
Kinda old news, actually. I knew about the pufferfish thing back in the 70s, so the knowledge that dolphins and porpoises get high is nothing new, just another example of #ReeferMadness propaganda keeping "common knowledge" hidden and out of sight because it bothers big pharma, big lumber, big alcohol, and big textile. (Because they can't make money off prolific natural products that work better than their products)
Exceptional leadership, #reefermadness edition: https://digbysblog.net/2023/04/29/debating-the-weed-from-hell/
RT @WikiProjectMed
Today article is: Cannabis use disorder
On April 20, 2004, the colorized version of Reefer Madness was released on DVD. Here’s some original fan art!
#ReeferMadness #LouisJGasnier #AntiDrugPropaganda #StonerComedy #ExploitationFilm #TCMUnderground #PropagandaFilm #BlackAndWhiteFilm #Marijuana #StonerArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#reefermadness #louisjgasnier #antidrugpropaganda #stonercomedy #exploitationfilm #tcmunderground #propagandafilm #blackandwhitefilm #marijuana #stonerart #art #movieart #moviehistory
The National Review has reinvented #reefermadness Anyone who has lost a friend to mental illness is knows how schizophrenia/bipolar disorder develop when the person is in their 20s and they often self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/parents-describe-horror-of-daughters-marijuana-induced-psychosis/
🌿 Herr Ostermann, mit seinen Ideen zur Psychiatrie für Klimaaktivisten, hebt raketenmäßig ab🚀 Ein Fall von #ReeferMadness? 🎭
Besucht doch http://Cannabisfakten.de & http://Legalisierungjetzt.de, um aufzuklären & sinnvoller mit Polizeiressourcen umzugehen 😂🌱💚 #LegalizeIt #Weedmob
RT @M_Ostermann
Der Mann braucht offensichtlich professionelle Hilfe …. https://t.co/mR8QjrNrx3
#WeedMob #legalizeit #reefermadness
🎥🍿 Der Film "Reefer Madness" (1936) ist ein berüchtigtes Beispiel für Propaganda in der #ReeferMadness Ära. Heute dient der Film als Erinnerung, wie wichtig es ist, Mythen und Desinformationen zu hinterfragen. #KritischesDenken #Drogenaufklärung
RT @Ingridm13336953
@PolizeiBB Ich hoffe, ihr seid jetzt glücklich! Landet die Ware in die Asservatenkammer oder wird sie aufgeteilt? https://t.co/pMoL9s6OBL
#drogenaufklarung #kritischesdenken #reefermadness
@ZekeMD 🤣🤣🤣 If not, they definitely stole from the same marihuana-addict trope book!