Matthew Loxton · @mloxton
543 followers · 3508 posts · Server
Dr Clair Firth · @Buxton_Vienna
124 followers · 132 posts · Server

@gubi How did this move from to work for you? I've been using Mendeley since 2012 (so long before it was bought by !) but the cloud version and this new Mendeley Cite thing in Word are driving me nuts today. I don't have time to wait for it to constantly think about every reference šŸ˜³

#publishing #academicmastodon #academicchatter #referencemanager #elsevier #zotero #mendeley

Last updated 1 year ago

Roq · @roq
145 followers · 885 posts · Server

@zotero Is there a way to give alternative PDF links to Zotero that are not associated with the official DOI URL? I occasionally find papers without PDF from my phone, but I sometimes can find some version of it from the authorā€™s website and Iā€™d like to tell Zotero to download from that link (instead of manually downloading to my phone then use ā€œAdd attachmentsā€).

#referencemanager #zotero

Last updated 1 year ago

Frank Bennett · @fgbjr
416 followers · 1853 posts · Server

With server migration complete and the desktop client and with plugins for browser and word processor released and confirmed to be stable, the role of these project news blurbs shifts from cataloging Frank's triumphs, musings and frustrations to, well, providing news.

The v6.0.22m3 release went up today, and plugin connectors for Firefox and Chrome are available.

#researchtool #lawfedi #referencemanager #Jurism

Last updated 1 year ago

Frank Bennett · @fgbjr
417 followers · 1819 posts · Server

Oh federalism.

When citing rules and regulations designated as such, six (6) states require an "r." before the cited provision, and eighteen (18) states require that it be omitted. So:

Utah Admin. Code r. 01-02-03 (2000)
123 Ind. Admin. Code 01-02-03 (2000)

Something for the nation's legislators to pick up on once the other great issues of the day have been settled to everyone's satisfaction. For a more perfect union etc. etc

#citation #lawfedi #law #referencemanager #trivia

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Lio · @Lio
14 followers · 158 posts · Server

Last thought: I kind of stumbled upon Paperpile, but Iā€™ve been using it for the past several years and just love it. My biggest fear is that they seem like a small company and I donā€™t know what the support is like or how long they will stay in businessā€¦ But I love them and try to by it for all of my students when working on larger projects.


Last updated 1 year ago

Stefan MĆ¼ller · @StefanMuelller
270 followers · 77 posts · Server

I am reviewing papers and I have an idea. As of last year I request students to submit a file containing all the references they have in their paper in the format of their (eg, rdf or bibtex). This forces them to use one and I hope that they will stick to it once the realize how much work this safes. I think research will get better by enforcing this. So: How about jounrals and book publishers requiring refmanager files for all submissions? @glossa @langscipress


Last updated 2 years ago

Barry Matthews · @barry_para
22 followers · 17 posts · Server

Please can we have the old back! This new one is not usable at all. I have 4 databases worth of search results to import and it imports the file as a file rather than a library.

#elsevier #mendeley #referencemanager

Last updated 2 years ago

JabRef · @jabref_org
9 followers · 5 posts · Server

We asked , an experimental AI chatbot/virtual assistant, what reference manager it would recommend. Here is its answer:

#chatgpt #referencemanager #bibliography

Last updated 2 years ago