Wenn du die Seiten kennst und verwendest, nutze dafür also ein normales Firefox-Profil, mit leichteren Privatsphäre Einstellungen.
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#firefox #arkenfox #privacy #referrer #onlineshops #post #deutschepost #tracking
Petite règle pour l'ajout d'un header
https://checklists.opquast.com/fr/assurance-qualite-web/les-en-tetes-envoyes-par-le-serveur-specifient-la-politique-de-communication-des-referrers #privacy #confidentialité #web #dev #opquast #referrer
#referrer #opquast #dev #web #confidentialité #privacy
#HTTP #Trivia
> The #misspelling of #referrer was introduced in the original proposal by computer scientist #PhillipHallamBaker to incorporate the field into the #HTTP #specification. The misspelling was set in stone by the time of its incorporation into the #RequestForComments standards document #RFC1945; document co-author #RoyFielding has remarked that neither "#referrer" nor the misspelling "#referer" were recognized by the standard #Unix spell checker of the period.
#unix #referer #RoyFielding #RFC1945 #RequestForComments #specification #PhillipHallamBaker #referrer #Misspelling #trivia #http
Teil 2 der Beitragsserie: HTTP-Security-Header - Sicherheit von Websites & Webanwendungen erhöhen