Gut hydriert durch die Prüfungszeit! 💦
Ab sofort könnt ihr Trinkflaschen ganz bequem an den beiden neuen Trinkwasserzapfstationen in den Damen- und Herrentoiletten in der Zentralbibliothek (Ebene -1, an der großen Freitreppe) nachfüllen.
ℹ️ Die Zapfsäulen haben wir außerdem bei #Refill verzeichnen lassen, einer deutschlandweiten Karte, die Orte aufzeigt, an denen man kostenfrei seine Flasche mit Trinkwasser auffüllen kann. Zur Karte geht's hier 👉 #Drinkmorewater
// #Propellerhead #ReasonStudio : ANTOINE. 'W' Series #combinator preset demo, "Mopy" (Reason v6+ #Refill) :
: #antoine. #box #freedownload #2005
#freedownload #box #antoine #refill #combinator #reasonstudio #propellerhead
#refill stations at workers owned Rainbow Grocery #coop #SF
#unverpackt #organic
#refill #coop #sf #unverpackt #organic
Euer #Fahrradclub ist ab sofort eine Station bei #Refill!
☀️ 🚰 😎
Das heißt: Wir haben den Refill-Aufkleber an der Tür und füllen kostenfrei Leitungswasser in mitgebrachte Trinkgefäße durstiger Menschen.
Wo? ADFC-Geschäftsstelle, Koppel 34-36, 20099 Hamburg-St. Georg
Auf der Karte von findet ihr viele weitere Stationen, wo ihr wiederverwendbare Flaschen mit gutem Leitungswasser füllen könnt. Das ist wie Radfahren: gesund, schont die Umwelt und macht Spaß!
» Die Refill-Bewegung «
Gerade im Sommer ist es bei heißen Temperaturen wichtig ausreichend zu trinken. Wenn ihr euch unterwegs kostenlos Leitungswasser in eure eigenen Flaschen abfüllen wollt, lohnt sich ein Blick in die Deutschland-Karte der Refil
#plastikflaschen #refill #sparen #StephanieWiermann #wasser
#UpcyclingBlog #upcycling #ReThink #ReThinkRecycle #positiveimpact
#plastikflaschen #refill #sparen #stephaniewiermann #wasser #UpcyclingBlog #upcycling #Rethink #ReThinkRecycle #PositiveImpact
#PlasticPollution is a bi-partisan issue. Hopefully.
In the meantime, if you've got one nearby, be sure to patronize your local #ZeroWaste or #Refill shop.
What other ways do you avoid single-use #plastic in your life?
#ReduceReuseRefill #CircularEconomy #StopPlasticPollution #Sustainability
#plasticpollution #zerowaste #refill #plastic #reducereuserefill #CircularEconomy #StopPlasticPollution #sustainability
"Milk & More expands refillable bottle initiative"
10/13 This would be a great way to get #medications that have #recreational uses; create an account for a senior with chronic pain issues, and then watch for when their #prescription #opioid becomes available for #refill. Then go pick it up, and hey, if they have #insurance, free #hillbilly #heroin.
Or that twitchy kid - free #Adderall! #Speed for everyone! Why take a chance on unregulated blue #meth when you can get the real thing?
#medications #recreational #prescription #opioid #refill #Insurance #hillbilly #Heroin #adderall #speed #Meth
4/13 I have long used their automated phone system to #refill #prescriptions, but to date, I had resisted signing up for any #online #services with the pharmacy I deal with, because I lacked confidence in their ability to build and operate such services in a #secure fashion.
Boy, did I turn out to be right.
I decided to sign up for their website services this week because I had some things I wanted to check, and didn't want to take too much of their time on the phone.
#refill #prescriptions #online #Services #secure
Wer sagt denn, das unverpackt nicht günstiger ist? Der Preis für Biowein ist unschlagbar!
#refill #zerowaste #maremma
Warum gibt es nicht überall Trinkwasser-Brunnen so wie hier in Bamberg? #refill #zerowaste
Wir sind heute an der Generalversammlung von @Nestle und möchten wissen, wann #Nestle sich endlich #Mehrweg-Ziele setzt.
#Reuse & #Refill sind die wichtigsten Wege aus der #Plastikkrise.
« I am at the AGM of @Nestle, wanting to know: when will #Nestle finally commit to targets for #Reuse? Today less than 1% of Nestlé's packaging is #reusable. #BreakFreeFromPlastic »
— Retweet
#nestle #mehrweg #reuse #refill #plastikkrise #reusable #breakfreefromplastic
Water Bottle Refill
#Photography #Water #Bottle #Refill #Tap #Text #Architecture #Colours #Colors #Abstract #Wooden #Planks #architecture #Pink #Blue #Brown #Green
#photography #water #bottle #refill #tap #text #architecture #colours #colors #abstract #wooden #planks #pink #blue #brown #green
☕ Don't tell Starbucks, but the store I go to gives me a #refill on my afternoon (or second, whenever) cuppa. It's 55¢ vs. $3.74. Yes, I'm an addict, and the kids working for the dealer cut me slack! Respect.
That's where I'm headed. Gonna add a shot of blonde espresso for $1,00 more. 🔥
Any stationery people know if I can find refills for this pen? It is the Daiso dupe of the Pilot Hi-Tec Coleto Multi Pen. My store in QLD Australia did not seem to sell refills. It writes really nicely and isn't too bulky. Also scores a Mildliner (Daiso branded but Zebra logo still on packaging) and a 2mm mechanical pencil.
#stationery #StationeryLover #daiso #Dupe #PilotColeto #MultiPen #refill #InkRefill #ZebraMildliner #mildliner #highligher #MechanicalPencil
#stationery #stationerylover #daiso #dupe #PilotColeto #MultiPen #refill #InkRefill #ZebraMildliner #mildliner #highligher #mechanicalpencil
"From Thursday (13 October), on-shelf refill options for Lidl GB’s own-brand ‘Formil’ laundry detergents have been available at two stores – one in Lichfield, Staffordshire and one in Swadlincote, Derbyshire."
"Customers at these stores are able to pick up a flexible plastic pouch and fill it up on-shelf. Lidl GB has stated that, by weight, each pouch is made using 33% less plastic than standard, rigid plastic Formil bottles of the same size."
"In related news, PepsiCo-owned crisp brand Walkers is moving all of its 22-bag and 24-bag multipacks from plastic outer packaging to cardboard boxes (pictured). It has trialled this packaging format at Tesco and has worked with other major supermarkets to prepare for a wider rollout."
#Packaging #Plastics #Refill #Lidl #Crisps #Walkers #UK #UnitedKingdom
#unitedkingdom #UK #walkers #crisps #Lidl #refill #plastics #packaging
Israel is pumping water from the Med to refill a lake - CNN #israel #pumping #water #from #refill #lake #19agosto
#19agosto #lake #refill #from #water #pumping #israel