A lot of my #follow requests have been getting stuck in a #pending status, regardless of whether or not the person I'm trying to follow has manual approvals enabled. If you #unfollow and #refollow them that generally solves the problem. Kinda like a modern version of smacking the side of the thing to get it to work. I've seen a lot of questions about the same thing so hopefully this helps someone!
#follow #pending #unfollow #refollow #feditips #mastodonquestions #mastodontips #followers
Sono intrappolato tra un mix di post contrapposti in cui: da un lato si mette in luce la differenza tra #Mastodon e #Twitter mentre dall'altro non posso fare a meno di notare come molti utenti (nuovi?) sono ancorati alla logica dell'uccellino con finte spunte blu "acchiappa seguaci" e continui hashtag demenziali per il #refollow o #followback.
Si importa demenzialità. Bene.
#followback #refollow #twitter #mastodon
RT @spankchief@twitter.com
Twitter is so random nowadays, so when I heard one of my fave performers @itsmelolamarie@twitter.com lost her account with over 70k followers I wanted to help. Give her the recognition she deserves! Also, Lola Marie has some amazing naughty spanking films at https://aaaspanking.com #refollow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/spankchief/status/1162925815572705280
Twitter is so random nowadays, so when I heard one of my fave performers @itsmelolamarie@twitter.com lost her account with over 70k followers I wanted to help. Give her the recognition she deserves! Also, Lola Marie has some amazing naughty spanking films at https://aaaspanking.com #refollow