Official announcement from the combined leadership of about the rising antisemitism on college campuses

Let us say explicitly to our students - to all Jewish students: we are with you as you joyously live your Jewish identity, which includes expressing your connection to Israel. You have the right to live and learn on campus proudly and to participate fully in campus life and activities without harassment.

Full text here -

#reformJudaism #zionism #Israel

Last updated 2 years ago

Reform Jewish Leaders Stand with Students in Opposition to Campus Antisemitism

Recent years have seen an increase in reports of Jewish college students facing antisemitic comments, vandalism, and efforts at exclusion from university-recognized social or academic groups.


#jewish #reformJudaism #reformjews #Israel #antisemitism

Last updated 2 years ago


In 1999 reaffirmed -

We affirm the reality and oneness of God, even as we may differ in our understanding of the Divine presence.
We affirm that the Jewish people is bound to God by an eternal (b’rit) covenant, as reflected in our varied understandings of Creation, Revelation and Redemption.
We affirm that every human being is created (b’tzelem Elohim) in the image of God, and that therefore every human life is sacred

#ccar #reformJudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Ahavas Yisrael - love of one's fellow - is the vessel for Ahavas HaShem, love of God. It is said that through Ahavas Yisrael, one will eventually come to Ahavas HaShem, and then to Ahavas HaTorah.

Let's commit ourselves this year to building awareness of the importance of , and reach out even more to Jews of any denomination in our local communities and states. Despite differences we're still family.


#jews #ahavatyisrael #reformJudaism #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

A great on from the Reform movement. Johanna Hershenson comments on

Now Bezalel, son of Uri son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, had made ALL that the Eternal had commanded Moses. (Exodus 38)

and on - Just as the Eternal had commanded Moses, so the Israelites had done ALL the work. And when Moses saw that they had performed ALL the tasks – as God had commanded, so they had done – Moses blessed them. (Exodus 39)

#shiur #spirituality #hucjir #ccar #reformJudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Where do you see Non-Orthodox and Orthodox Jews collaborating? Heard about ? They are leading a transformative movement weaving sustainability into the fabric of Jewish life, in order to create a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable world for all.



#hazon #ecological #ecology #reformJudaism #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Jews working together - The Shalom Hartman Institute
is a institute for Jewish thought and education, for scholars, rabbis, educators, and community leaders in and North America. The goal is to strengthen Jewish identity, enhance the Jewish and democratic character of Israel, and ensure that is a compelling force for good in the 21st century.



#jerusalem #Israel #judaism #reformJudaism #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

It's always time for - examples of Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Jews working together for the common good :-) The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership () is an interdenominational training institute and resource center, in which rabbis from all major Jewish denominations participate.



#goodnews #clal #reformJudaism #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekim writes "wow. Which Jews are saying non-Orthodox Jews shouldn’t learn Hasidut?"

We received hateful speech saying that we are misogynist fundamentalists trying to convert people to ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Judaism. Not only clearly false but also wacky. In reality, neo-Hasidic Judaism is growing in and .

Also (and we shouldn't even have to say this) no one should ever hate Hasidic Jews. If someone doesn't want to be one, then just don't be one.

#reformJudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Did you know - on several occasions rabbis in Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism worked to heal rifts in our community. If more people know about these enterprises it could inspire our own generation to help restore



#jewishunity #orthodoxjudaism #nonorthodoxjudaism #reformJudaism #conservativejudaism #achdut

Last updated 2 years ago

Where do we see Non-Orthodox and Orthodox and lay Jewish leaders working together? Where do we see people creating () today? We're looking for examples and inspirations!

Here we see Jews from , from all denominations, at the Katz Center for Jewish Studies at the Univ. of Pennsylvania


#rabbis #achdut #jewishunity #clal #orthodoxjudaism #nonorthodoxjudaism #reformJudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you read the Reform movement's "Gates of Understanding: A Companion Volume to Gates of Prayer"? What are your thoughts?

Includes essays on , prayers, , holiness, , & music, by leading thinkers in . An invaluable resource for anyone interested in the history and development of liturgy and Reform Jewish practice.


#tefila #hebrew #jewish #liturgy #theology #reformJudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you davened from Mishkan Hanefesh? This is the newest from

In your view, how does it compare to the classic Reform prayerbook, Gates of Repentance? Or to the Conservative movement's Mahzor Lev Shalem? Or to the Modern Orthodox mahzor from Koren?


#mahzor #reformJudaism #tefila #daven #davening #roshhashanah #yomkippur

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you davened from Mishkan Tefila? This is the newest from

In your view, wow does it compare to the classic Reform prayerbook, Gates of Prayer? To the Conservative movement's Siddur Sim Shalom, or the Koren Sacks Siddur?

#siddur #reformJudaism #modernorthodox #tefila #daven #davening

Last updated 2 years ago @emilyk @mazeldon

What upsets some Jews on Mastodon is that they don't want us non-Orthodox Jews to learn Chassidus or even be friends with Orthodox Jews. We however feel that friendship and reading is not threatening. Open your hearts to the many non-Orthodox Jews discovering neo-Hasidut. This is mainstream across , , and .


#reformJudaism #jewishrenewal #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

moby dickgirl · @epistemophagy
2077 followers · 563 posts · Server

2. I'm , , and politically somewhere around (the Sensible Centrist™ position on the anarchist—Marxist spectrum). As far as I can see, there's only a small slice of where I would comfortably fit (left edge of , basically; I want to say maybe but I don't understand it well enough to make that call).

#queer #trans #autonomist #judaism #reformJudaism #reconstructionistjudaism

Last updated 2 years ago