Reading #TheSwerve by #stephengreenblatt and realizing how much the main character Poggio’s mourning for the loss of classical #culturalheritage in #earlymodern 15th century Italy resembles my own mourning for the loss of the Swedish catholic cultural heritage that was crushed by #gustavvasa and the iconoclastic #reformation.
#TheSwerve #stephengreenblatt #culturalheritage #earlymodern #gustavvasa #reformation
Exsurge Domine (“Arise, O Lord” in Latin) is a papal bull issued 15 June 1520 by Pope Leo X (served 1513-1521) condemning Martin Luther’s 95 Theses as heresy along with any other works by Luther or those who supported him. #History #MartinLuther #PapalBull #Reformation
#reformation #papalbull #MartinLuther #History
@Charlescanary Die #Reformation wirkt immer noch nach:
Well, @bookhistodons @bookstodon this is an interesting take on the Franciscan satirist and opponent of the #Reformation:
Gamification: Thomas Murner Makes Learning Fun
Murner knew how to engage an audience....engaging his student audience became an important part of his pedagogical strategy. Contemporary educators will likely sympathize with Murner’s professorial instincts. What is an effective means of engaging students in the classroom? Turn learning into a game
Exsurge Domine (“Arise, O Lord” in Latin) is a papal bull issued 15 June 1520 by Pope Leo X (served 1513-1521) condemning Martin Luther’s 95 Theses as heresy along with any other works by Luther or those who supported him. #History #MartinLuther #PapalBull #Reformation
#reformation #papalbull #MartinLuther #History
There is a thread on Twitter of Reformation personalities as Taylor Swift GIFs.
Here's the link for "Zwingli eating a sausage during Lent"
„Liebe Brüder, lasst Euer Trödeln! Es ist Zeit! Lasst Euer Säumen; der Sommer ist da. Sucht keinen Ausgleich mit den Verworfenen; denn die verhindern, dass das Wort mit großer Kraft wirkt. Auch Eurem Fürsten schmeichelt nicht; sonst werdet Ihr zugrunde gehen [...]"
(Müntzer: 1522: Brief an in Melanchthon)
#OTD #Geschichte #Reformation #ThomasMüntzer
Vom #Mittelalter zur #Neuzeit:
Am 13. Juli 1524, also #heutevor genau 499 Jahren, hält Thomas Müntzer seine sogenannte "#Fürstenpredigt" auf der Burg Allstedt.
Hierbei prangert er die Willkür der Obrigkeit an und deren mangelnde Reformtätigkeit.
Die Predigt markiert einen Umbruch in der Geistesgeschichte, denn es wird dem Untertan erstmals ein #Widerstandsrecht eingeräumt. ✊🏽
#otd #geschichte #reformation #thomasmuntzer #mittelalter #Neuzeit #Heutevor #furstenpredigt #widerstandsrecht
Germany and its churches wrangle over Napoleon's asset grab
#Property #churches #Germany #expropriation #Napoleon #statebenefits #Catholicism #Reformation
#reformation #catholicism #statebenefits #napoleon #expropriation #Germany #churches #property
Vielen herzlichen Dank, @danielpree 🙏 - ein klasse Fund von @tazgetroete zur #Polarisierung! 👍
Bin voll dabei, würde nur präziser von #Verschwörungsmythen schreiben ✍️ & die Funktion von #Medien stärker beleuchten. So ist der #Antisemitismus auch eine dualistische Kampfansage an die #Alpabethisierung (mit #Sem als ersten #Alphabet-Schulgründer lt. #Talmud), der #Buchdruck führte zur #Reformation, aber auch #Hexenwahn & 30jährigem Krieg usw. Ein klasse Artikel, Danke! 🙏
#Polarisierung #verschworungsmythen #medien #antisemitismus #alpabethisierung #sem #Alphabet #talmud #buchdruck #reformation #Hexenwahn
Rittertum und ReformationFranz von Sickingen: kühner Streiter an einer Zeitenwende #FranzvonSickingen #MartinLuther #Reformation #Geschichte #Ritter
#ritter #geschichte #reformation #martinluther #franzvonsickingen
Normally, I don’t care much about the #BritishMonarchy because I don’t subscribe to the idea of hereditary leadership, but I was certainly impressed by the pomp and pageantry surrounding the #coronation.
That said, two things in the ceremony stood out for me in terms of religious tolerance:
1. PM #RishiSunak, a #Hindu, read from Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians.
2. Cardinal #VincentNichols, was the first #Catholic prelate to actively participate in a coronation since the #Reformation.
#britishmonarchy #coronation #RishiSunak #hindu #vincentnichols #catholic #reformation
Preparatory sketch by Henry Holiday for an illustration to Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark".
There seems to be a pictorial reference to the Sphinxes' breast in the sketch.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #LewisCarroll #EdwardVI #HenryVIII #Ahasuerus #sphinx #breasts #Bedpost #TheKingsBedpost #Allusion #PictorialAllusion #PictorialReference #Reformation
More: (or
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #edwardvi #henryviii #ahasuerus #sphinx #breasts #bedpost #thekingsbedpost #allusion #pictorialallusion #pictorialreference #reformation
A commission for AStonedFox and KittiesRules. The poor fox feeling so down and fatigued, but Michelle the Hisuian Typhlosion knows just what to do to make them feel all better~! ;3c
#reformation #digestion #commission #vore
Fascinating. I did not know that (or must have forgotten). However, I do know (this is even more strange) that he also wrote a biography of the Czech religious reformer Jan Hus(s).
Background here:
#Mussolini Looks at Jan #Hus and the Bohemian #Reformation -
50 years of the #LeuenbergAgreement, which brought the historic #Lutheran and #Reformed churches of #Europe into a shared #church #fellowship, leaving behind #theology differences between the descendants of #Luther and #Calvin dating back to the #Reformation era. The biggest #churches include almost every national #Protestant church in #Europe (including the #ChurchOfScotland), but not the #ChurchOfEngland- because #England always liked a European opt out?!
#ecumenism #england #churchofengland #ChurchofScotland #protestant #churches #reformation #calvin #luther #theology #fellowship #church #europe #reformed #lutheran #leuenbergagreement
50 years of the #LeuenbergAgreement, which brought the historic #Lutheran and #Reformed churches of #Europe into a shared #church #fellowship, leaving behind #theology differences between the descendant of #Luther and #Calvin dating back to the #Reformation era. The biggest #churches include almost every national #Protestant church in #Europe (including the #ChurchOfScotland), but not the #ChurchOfEngland- because #England always liked a European opt out?!
#ecumenism #england #churchofengland #ChurchofScotland #protestant #churches #reformation #calvin #luther #theology #fellowship #church #europe #reformed #lutheran #leuenbergagreement
A gift for a Queen!
The Parker Library has acquired an unusual and unique manuscript that was given by Matthew Parker to Elizabeth I
A small roundel manuscript in nine sections with two illustrations: George and the Dragon and Queen's cameo
What a beauty!
#medieval #bookhistory #reformation
#medieval #bookhistory #reformation
Reformation und Martin Luther – spielerisch erlebt
Ohne Martin Luther gäbe es die evangelische Kirche nicht und die katholische Kirche wäre vermutlich im Mittelalter stecken geblieben.
Bestimmt hätte Luther, der für Neues sehr aufgeschlossen war und vieles reformiert hat, Spaß an diesem Spiel. Wir tauchen dabei tief
#Allgemein #gbl #Luther #Reformation
Ganzen Artikel lesen:
#allgemein #gbl #luther #reformation
The best article I’ve read about the medieval German Catholic carnival. Take the time to translate it out of Russian. Very informative and interesting. Great discussion in many ways.
#uprising #butchers #craftguilds #charlesiv #suppression #catholicchurch #year1349 #reformation #craftsmen #nuremberg #shembartlauf #fastnacht