
There are 2 separate movements in the
* Liberal Judaism (Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues)
* Movement for Reform Judaism (Reform Synagogues of Great Britain)

We need to be careful with comparisons because we could be misled by externals while missing core beliefs & : Some UK liberal shuls have prayer services that look more like Conservative Judaism. Yet that's independent of their theology:

#reformjewish #uk #theology

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you used "Gates of Shabbat: Shaarei Shabbat" from and the movement? It is Reform Judaism's classic how-to guide about Shabbat observance and practices. This book is about Shabbat -- the Jewish treasure that comes around every seven days. In the midst of our freedom, Shabbat offers roots and inspiration along with joy and hope.


#ccar #reformjewish #tefila #daven #davening

Last updated 2 years ago

moby dickgirl · @epistemophagy
2077 followers · 565 posts · Server mastodon.lol

3. In-person community is inaccessible to me. My nearest () shul is 20 km away. I have and mobility issues and I just don't think I could make that trip on a regular basis, and I'm not willing to make a promise that I'll fail to keep.

#jewish #progressive #reformjewish #fatigue

Last updated 2 years ago