, the organization of , continues -

We encounter God’s presence in moments of awe and wonder, in acts of justice and compassion, in loving relationships and in the experiences of everyday life.

We respond to daily: through public and private prayer, through study and through the performance of other (mitzvot), sacred obligations — (bein adam la Makom) to God, and (bein adam la-chaveiro) to other human beings.

#ccar #reformrabbis #god

Last updated 2 years ago

Belief in is the foundation of Judaism - this is from , the official body of

The heart of Judaism and its chief contribution to religion is the doctrine of the One, living God, who rules the world through law and love. In Him all existence has its creative source and mankind its ideal of conduct. Though transcending time and space, He is the indwelling Presence of the world. We worship Him as the Lord of the universe and as our merciful Father.


#god #ccar #reformrabbis

Last updated 2 years ago