#CorruptSCOTUS #ReformSCOTUS Gift article, no paywall https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/09/us/clarence-thomas-horatio-alger-association.html?unlocked_article_code=LbfDOFkNTKbqDHq6LURbu0hwTJIowF9AJ3WugLqB4_7x2CqY0WvnhCDqn-ZWO3XKbMK04SYZB_Mw8lQDYnTSZX3wDk5PDldoRq5NGYjschp1qUTJqhavJ46HsCoWTvhbHBwbVmU-iYcqHdEFp6U8tp8bYA_lYXlVXzuB7MZrvG-0gWj5vWtlEzKNYnvOk1-oEKEJjd9u9i8ofYXFYP5d85O4048OGc_ZghS1rWjo0SWVXuda3iehbcyT4offEExtA9-qn-7YLFQcE87_8-5G4fzYwz0UIYjHk8zMJQtS7-psZM7ezkQeGH6QpHacpaIPMVQoniANo90e9jBN58jE5X4ETuSubJm0QUo5VHsY&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
The Supreme Court, this week (and, in the past two terms, for that matter) gave us a clear demonstration of why Republicans with disdain and even contempt for Trump were happy to endorse and vote for him in 2016 and 2020—and why, with few exceptions, they say they'll vote for him again in 2024 if he's the nominee. His most significant and long-lasting accomplishment was to pluck three names off a list prepared for him by Leonard Leo.
#VoteDemocrat #ExpandTheCourt #reformscotus
#reformscotus #ExpandTheCourt #votedemocrat #re
@maxkennerly SCOTUS has been technologically illiterate for over fifty years. It’s remarkable that their “opinions” are valued at all. This system needs to change. #ReformSCOTUS
https://www.businessinsider.com/jane-roberts-chief-justice-wife-10-million-commissions-2023-4?amp=#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16829233155522&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com #IllegitimateSCOTUS Jane Roberts was paid more than $10 million by a host of elite law firms, a whistleblower alleges.
At least one of those firms argued a case before Chief Justice Roberts after paying his wife hundreds of thousands of dollars.
#SCOTUScorruption #ExpandTheCourt #ReformSCOTUS #SCOTUSethics
#amp_tf #IllegitimateSCOTUS #scotuscorruption #ExpandTheCourt #reformscotus #scotusethics
@realTuckFrumper The strategy to challenge Missouri looks good. Still we need to #ReformSCOTUS — three of those Justices have no business on the bench (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) and two need to be impeached (Alito and Thomas).
If I were a gambler I would bet on the #IllegitimateSCOTUS #JusticeAlito as the leaker of the memo to strip away women's freedom as full citizens. This sham investigation from them investigating themselves and finding no nothing is a joke. It's a pathetic attempt to put focus on the leak vs. WHAT was leaked. Not to mention Justice Thomas's corruption & sedition. You would have to be blind to buy this BS. #ReformSCOTUS
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #justicealito #reformscotus #ExpandTheCourt
#ReformScotus.. this court will go down in HISTORY a disgrace to law and justice.. and that sucks man.
RT @MarkRuffalo@twitter.com
We are witnessing the unraveling of a Supreme Court that continues to spiral further into absolute illegitimacy. It’s time to #ReformSCOTUS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarkRuffalo/status/1594860774392053761
RT @MarkRuffalo@twitter.com
We are witnessing the unraveling of a Supreme Court that continues to spiral further into absolute illegitimacy. It’s time to #ReformSCOTUS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarkRuffalo/status/1594860774392053761
Alito has a blabber-control problem.