Oh let me think...
they could stop the rest of #MLA'S wages, introduce legislation to #reformStormont and we will see the #DUP back to work in a heartbeat. If they don't want to do that shut it permanently, turn it into a hotel or something useful, introduce #JointAuthority and prepare for a discussion on our constitutional future. Remove the #DUP'S leverage over #NI. If they want to protest, let them do it outside while the rest work.
#MLA #reformstormont #dup #jointauthority #ni
@SeanAB we haven't had a functioning Executive since February. UK govt were made aware it couldn't be done from here then. They've had more than enough time.
I'm acutely aware of the failure of the DUP. Playing the blame game doesn't get us the support we've been promised. In fact, that's what the UK Government are hoping for. We will spend all our efforts fighting amongst ourselves when the DUP have said they'd rather eat grass than participate in devolved governance.
Responses received re Reform Stormont - SDLP, Aontu, TUV, Green Party & Alliance Party
No responses from Sinn Fein, DUP or People Before Profit
Good that parties include proposals in manifestos but we need to see more than that!
More detailed analysis soon