We have watched the party of corruption spread their disease to the Supreme Court in real time. Pretty blatantly. They think they’ve corrupted our government to the point of no return. Have they?
@JamesWidman @dgregor79 Yes, but the Court is politicized in an unhealthy way now. #ReformTheCourt We need one Justice per Federal District AND term limits AND ethics rules.
The #SCOTUS is totally compromised. No way they can recover public confidence. Time to #ReformTheCourt https://www.theguardian.com/law/2023/jun/21/samuel-alito-undisclosed-gifts-billionaire-paul-singer-supreme-court?CMP=share_btn_tw
So a Trump-appointed district judge shows more respect for the Constitution than the current #SCOTUS, to whom these fascist lawmakers will likely take their hate legislation to get it into law. #ReformTheCourt https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/06/06/republicans-woke-court/
It is not just the corrupt Clarence Thomas. The Supreme Court is an institution lacking in credibility, operating in secrecy, without a code of ethics, and with a majority of its members appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote.
These nine unelected Justices are among the most powerful people in America. They need to be subjected to a code of ethics, disclosure laws, term limits, and expansion of the Court to 13.
#SupremeCourt #ReformtheCourt
https://www.commondreams.org/news/clarence-thomas-real-estate #CorruptClarenceThomas vote on the #IllegitimateSCOTUS is bought & paid for by billionaire #NaziHarlanCrow
"Crow is not, as Thomas claims his 'dearest friend' so much as his corrupt benefactor Thomas is unfit to serve on any court let alone our nation's highest court. His failure to disclose his close financial dealings with a GOP billionaire has single-handedly destroyed what little credibility this MAGA Court had left
#ReformTheCourt #CodeOfEthics #ExpandTheCourt
#corruptclarencethomas #IllegitimateSCOTUS #naziharlancrow #reformthecourt #codeofethics #ExpandTheCourt
https://www.salon.com/2023/04/11/democrats-warn-john-roberts-if-you-dont-hold-clarence-thomas-accountable-we-will_partner/?utm_source=ironsource #IllegitimateSCOTUS Democrats warn John Roberts: If you don’t hold Clarence Thomas accountable, we will
If “the Court does not resolve this issue on its own, the Committee will consider legislation to resolve it"
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #reformthecourt #ExpandTheCourt #endthefillibuster
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #ClarenceThomasCorruption #ClarenceThomasMustResign #ReformTheCourt #SupremeCourtEthics #ExpandTheCourt Clarence Thomas & his wife Ginni are raking in millions from connections with Leonard Leo, the leader of the Federalist Society who has orchestrated the court’s hard-right turn. Leo is now overseeing Marble Freedom Trust, established to disburse funds from a $1.6 billion bequest to manipulate elections in favor of Republicans.
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #clarencethomascorruption #clarencethomasmustresign #reformthecourt #SupremeCourtethics #ExpandTheCourt
JusticeAlito is the leaker. #IlegitimateSCOTUS #ReformTheCourt #TermLimits #SCOTUScorruption #IndictGinniThomas #ClarenceThomasSedition #SamAlitoCorruption #JusticeRobertsCorruption #KangarooSCOTUS
#ilegitimatescotus #reformthecourt #termlimits #scotuscorruption #indictginnithomas #clarencethomassedition #samalitocorruption #justicerobertscorruption #kangarooscotus
@thenation The Court says, “if the public doesn’t view us as legitimate we have no power and judicial oversite is dead.” They then follow that with, “Therefore, the public is obligated to see us as legitimate.”
The Court fails to say, “Therefore, we must be above reproach to maintain the public trust.”
#supremecourt #reformthecourt #termlimits #codeofconduct