@rubbercable A f**ked-up system lets extremists abuse (compromised) courts to undermine the constitutional order.
"The problem here goes beyond a single hearing, or even this single case. The real issue is systemic. Far-right groups have created a judicial pipeline to predictable triumph in one culture war battle after another: from Kacsmaryk in the plains of the Texas panhandle, to the hyperconservative U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, to the radically stacked majority on the Trump-packed U.S. Supreme Court.
One Amarillo-based judge with carte blanche, virtually certain his extreme views will prevail on appeal, is apparently planning to curtail abortion access across the country."
#RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #Democracy #AbortionRights #WomensRights #HumanRights #CompromisedCourts #FederalistSociety #OpusDei #Extremism #ReformTheCourts #RestoreSeparationOfPowers #SeparationOfChurchAndState
#ruleoflaw #defendtheconstitution #democracy #abortionrights #womensrights #humanrights #compromisedcourts #federalistsociety #opusdei #extremism #reformthecourts #restoreseparationofpowers #separationofchurchandstate
More undeniable evidence of #SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSiscompromised These ppl don't care that the absence of ethical behavior is a measurement. They don't have to care and continue to give the finger to American justice and citizens.
Brett Kavanaugh was seen hanging out at a Republican party with Matt Gaetz, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Spicer, and Erik Prince, per
#OathofOffice means nothing to them.
#ExpandSCOTUS #Reformthecourts #Impeachthesemfkers
#impeachthesemfkers #reformthecourts #ExpandSCOTUS #oathofoffice #SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotuscorruption
More undeniable evidence of #SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSiscompromised These ppl don't care that the absence of ethical behavior is a measurement. They don't have to care and continue to give the finger to American justice and citizens.
Brett Kavanaugh was seen hanging out at a Republican party with Matt Gaetz, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Spicer, and Erik Prince, per
#OathofOffice means nothing to them.
#ExpandSCOTUS #Reformthecourts #Impeachthesemfkers
#impeachthesemfkers #reformthecourts #ExpandSCOTUS #oathofoffice #SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotuscorruption
There is no justice in the United States Justice Department, the quicker we realize this, the quicker we can rectify it. #reformthecourts #reformthepolice
#reformthecourts #reformthepolice