This Fall-Winter is going to be Black AF!
#Bitcon Sept 5-7th #Tennessee by #blkintechnology
#Thrive Oct 19-22nd #FortLauderdale by #blkmenintech
#REFRESH Nov 10-11 #Atlanta by #BlackGirlsInCyber
@blackincyberco1 #blackfedi #blackmastodon #blackstem @blackgirlshack
#bitcon #tennessee #blkintechnology #thrive #fortlauderdale #blkmenintech #refresh #atlanta #blackgirlsincyber #BlackFedi #blackmastodon #BlackSTEM
Why does #trunksapp continual #refresh in my #HomeFeed as new toots occur? Every few seconds, I am sent back to see the new toot. It's making the app unusable as I can't even finish reading a toot before it refreshes and I have to start over. Is their a #setting that I am missing?
#trunks #setting #homefeed #refresh #trunksapp
Ребята, важно знать, что помимо видео на YouTube, которые выходят не так уж и часто, я занимаюсь также программированием и активно принимаю участие в проектах OpenVK. IRC-клиент, кстати, активно переписывается.
Все смогут оценить мое направление по ссылкам ниже:
1️⃣ Приложения OpenVK для Android -, ищите по хештегу #legacy или #refresh
2️⃣ Tinelix IRC Client и всякая другая софтина -
По поводу нового видео:
На нашем Telegram-канале месяц назад был проведён опрос с перевыпуском видео про Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 nikel. Как оказалось, надо было это переделывать по вполне понятным причинам. Видео выйдет в сентябре, там будет намечено семилетие этого аппарата.
А еще лишним задонатить никогда не будет:
Oh. Another #suck about the #IceCubes #Mastodon #app is the #refresh rate
What is that? You can drag down on the screen to initiate a refresh until you’re blue in the face- that thing is going to work on its own time
There have been times that I’ve given up and simply switched to the #Metatext app, so I could read new #posts
#posts #Metatext #refresh #app #Mastodon #icecubes #suck
J'ai beau appuyer sur le bouton "refresh" de mon appli météo, ça ne marche pas…
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” ― Marthe Troly-Curtin
"Refresh, Rest, Refocus - And Love You" .. new blog post
#sabbatical #refresh #rest #refocus #loveyourself #selfcompassion #bekindtoyourself #amwriting
#amwriting #bekindtoyourself #SelfCompassion #loveyourself #refocus #rest #refresh #sabbatical
Good morning good vibes everyone Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable few days off. Whether you're spending time with family and friends, enjoying the great outdoors, or simply taking some much-needed downtime to recharge! 🙃🎉🌞🌸🥂COME ON! JOIN US JUST NOW! JOIN US WITH JOY AND ENJOY THE JOURNEY ! Good morning, I am very happy because almost 3,000 people visited my profile in a few days! #kindness #future
#kindness #future #weekendvibes #enjoy #relax #refresh #happyweekend
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#Walikota #RIPMark #Renang #Gempa #Lampung #Muhammadiyah #Yudo #morningg #PalingSatSet #Nyimpen #Paras #Kerasa #Hotman #Bupati #bali #indonesia #jakarta #My1stLoveTheory #seventeenfxckmylife #TheScript #densus88 #Fee250k #COACHELLA2023 #Hakimi #Refresh #JumatBerkah #Quora #Waze #Restu #Warisan #Eclipsed #NOFEE #Brighton
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Who Have You Refreshed?
Who have you refreshed, or restored, or rebuilt?
@IceCubesApp Is there any way to fix this issue after Jump to Latest where there’s a delayed refresh of several posts after the jump? #IceCubesApp #refresh #posts
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#PresidenJokoWidodo #AhmadDhani #OnceMekel #Kenakalan #Kumparan #Indonesia #London #PDIP #BuThomas #Curacao #SNBP #Olivia #PresidenJokowi #JENOBLONDE #PersebayaDay #tontawan_t #Rabu #Sajam #PolresSemarang #Kapolres #Refresh
#presidenjokowidodo #ahmaddhani #oncemekel #kenakalan #kumparan #indonesia #london #pdip #buthomas #curacao #snbp #olivia #presidenjokowi #jenoblonde #persebayaday #tontawan_t #rabu #sajam #polressemarang #kapolres #refresh
#Token #revocation and #expiration in #AzureAD is important in terms of responding to #security #incidents affecting Azure AD. How and when do tokens expire or what are the revocation options?
#Access tokens typically have an expiration time of 60 minutes. And there is no way to manually invalidate an access token except by manually deleting the token in the cache on the device.
#Refresh tokens typically have a default expiration of 90 days. However, refresh tokens can be invalidated by an admin from the Azure portal or using PowerShell or the Graph API.
A Primary Refresh Token (#PRT) is invalidated when the Azure AD account is disabled or deleted, the user password is changed or reset, or the device where the PRT was issued is disabled or deleted.
#token #revocation #expiration #azuread #security #incidents #access #refresh #prt
Short and Sweet!
#music #video #electronicmusic #refresh #logicpro #logicprox #newmusic
#music #video #electronicmusic #refresh #logicpro #logicprox #newmusic
Refresh Your School’s “About” Page with These 5 Tips #TheTriangleAgencyNews #Page #Refresh #Schools
#thetriangleagencynews #page #refresh #schools
I spotted this fabulous event, inviting anyone to pop in to just sit and be. Silence is a luxury that can be hard to find but does us so much good. Wonderful 😌
#silence #rest #mindful #mindfulness #refresh #calm #JustBe #stillness #wellness #wellbeing #soulful #Breathe
#silence #rest #mindful #mindfulness #refresh #calm #justbe #stillness #wellness #wellbeing #soulful #Breathe