SaudiArabia's attack on : -armaments with logistical support, last we checked, right.

Where do the weapons come from that start these civil wars and armed rebel groups in these little countries?

#yemen #usa #uk #refugeeProducers #weaponsIndustry #peacesellsbutwhosbuyin

Last updated 1 year ago

What did Jo say @JoBlakely ' For some reason we can't see their toot.

The Pentagon is where a lot of printed money goes specifically to make other countries worse. Their main goal is to make refugees by selling or giving weapons and debt to extremist factions in a target country.

Have you seen 's 'War on Yugoslavia' lecture?

#MichaelParenti #refugeeProducers

Last updated 1 year ago

Things and may struggle with…

It is not controversial to say that we cannot afford 80M . We should be wanted. Likewise, we should not be making bombs with the cynical intent of using them, incl. to reduce and create .

No matter *how* much the of any country demand "more people".

#warhawks #theologians #unwantedBirths #population #refugees #corporateState #rightToChoose #resist #refugeeProducers #usa #israel #uk #germany #france #australia #morepeople #militarism #war #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreWar

Last updated 2 years ago

Ignore the above question.

Is it reported anywhere what they are being "punished" (read: ) for?

What's the latest tally on how many they, including our "supportive" govt, have been able to produce so far?

#abused #refugees #australian #refugeeProductionLine #refugeeProducers #extremistProducers #cageFam

Last updated 3 years ago