Yes. And as a group that has spoken fervantly against producing refugees over the past decade and being labelled as "racist" for trying to put an end to wars partly fueling , its almost refreshing that the refugees are 'white' now.

Of course, this would be humourous, if it wasn't so deadly.

To put and end to now, needs to pull back and not do any more falseFlags whether through Azov, Israel or three-letter-agents.

We must stop them.

#refugeeProduction #war #nato

Last updated 3 years ago


> "The first week, I wanted to cry," he said

So many stories like below re / /#slavery in , we hear them randomly irl.

They conveniently fail to prosecute the , because its done by those who project wealth/class/virtue, and are .

Proof our will fall, link should work:

#humantrafficking #refugeeProduction #australia #criminals #wellConnected #cities

Last updated 3 years ago

This holiday season we need to create extra to bomb the children of and other places, and increase the .


We in need more to for us in the hospitality industry. Bars and pub owners are complaining that they are expecting a "busy ."

Forget — or just reducing !

We'sa got'sa to do.

#christmas #weapons #yemen #economicsanctions #australia #migrantWorkers #cook #holidayseason #covid #humantrafficking #immigration #exploitation #cooks #workerExploitation #refugeeProduction #hospitality #auspol

Last updated 3 years ago

@samuraikid@freeatlantis.com @djsumdog
We're not big supporters of . It'd be great for many, including in terms of , if we were somehow limited in our intake.

We're quite sure that if we stopped bombing far flung places, incl' staging that destabilise, there'd be no on our shores in the of at .

#meatEating #publichealth #meat #coups #slavelabour #massproduction #meatProducts #abattoirs #meatindustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humantrafficking #bigag #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

And remembering there is and then there's and , yes.

We sometimes refer to it as also.

#immigration #immigrationAbuse #refugeeProduction #extremeImmigration

Last updated 3 years ago

They will use that to focus on , which they see as most effective in reducing .

We see this unfolding in realtime.

So many banks are coming under Cloudflare control. Its pretty obvious but annoying. We talked about reducing and for years to avoid this crap.

The cloudflare generating are everywhere. Its a sport, who will produce the .
@yogthos @velartrill

#chinaWar #population #populationGrowth #refugeeProduction #closedSilos #extremists #ChristchurchAgainstChinese

Last updated 3 years ago

A mostly attack that was allowed to occur so that it could be used to invade and pillage the resources in the .

Its also been instrumental in setting back their , a process that started in 1978 when the supported the , an extreme sect over.

Anyone who says the US "" is either ignorant of or phony. The had there way with and continue to pillage.

#saudiarabian #middleeast #socialProcess #usa #Mujahedeen #lostInAfghanistan #history #us #MICIMATT #afghanistan #refugeeProduction #deathcult

Last updated 3 years ago

Back at home, here are some refugees we prepared earlier.

Murdoch Press love putting the allegedly successful on full display, "look how well tamed we've been able to make this one," is the overall subtext.

#refugee #racism #bds #landGrab #mowingTheLawn #palestine #refugeeProduction #BoycottUSD #whyBitcoin #boycottCorporateMedia

Last updated 4 years ago

How convenient as an excuse for the US to remain in Afghanistan. The US, as they've done before, likely were the entity who armed the group.

Get OUT!

#extremist #oilwar #lithiumWar #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT #GetOut

Last updated 4 years ago

I'm making refugees
I think I'm making refugees,
I really think so.

I'm making refugees
I really think so.

No sex,
No drugs,
No wine,
No gambling,
These Arab folks are filling up our Heaven,
It wrong…

(To be continued)

#IThinkImMakingRefugees #theMilitarySong #biden #fediLyrics #may1 #pullOutMay1 #NATODisband #afghanistan #lithiumWar #opiumWar #refugeeProduction #compliantWorkers #corporatefascism #corporateState

Last updated 4 years ago

They actually need to by 1 May but last we heard are choosing to hang around 20 days past the deadline. People in the know say this is likely to spark new tensions that will supposedly keep them there.

The sick part is you know that if they do leave they are just going to drum up tensions somewhere else.

They honestly think they can't survive without , , and .

#disband #invasion #murder #theft #refugeeProduction #lithiumWar

Last updated 4 years ago