#mastodon #birthday #charity #refugees #solidarity I'm 68 today. This is where I'd like my birthday money to go. I know it's a bit of a cheek since I haven't been here that long. My #comrades from #FB know me well. If you feel so inclined, please do so. I have worked for this group as part of #RefugeeAssistance. I know it's money well spent. Thank you muchly. xxPalky
#refugeeassistance #fb #comrades #solidarity #refugees #charity #birthday #Mastodon
@audouin1 Additionally I did work with #RefugeeAssistance at the Chelm border point. Man's inhumanity to man never ceases to horrify me. Always women and children first but that is seldom the case.
@BogLoper Thanks for the toot. I've worked for #RefugeeAssistance on the border, I know how deep the strain of #Nazi sympathy runs amongst many #Ukrani. Dreadful, abhorrent and very, very nasty! My education + experience tells me this is a deep thread running through the whole of #MittelEuropa. From the #Baltic to the #Black #Sea. Women + children first, very unlikely whilst machine gun toting, camo wearing white faces are in the driving seat. Pox on Britania for being fooled again! #Love4All
#love4all #sea #black #baltic #mitteleuropa #ukrani #nazi #refugeeassistance
@katecoldwind I think I was responding to military movements in Russia and Poland.
I watch developments in this area closely. I spent 6 weeks at the beginning of last year with #RefugeeAssistance on the border at #Chelm One of the most distressing events in my life.
I support #RefugeesWelcome and wou;d also like to see more #hashtags #StopWars
#stopwars #hashtags #refugeeswelcome #chelm #refugeeassistance
@apmassaro3 Yes it is. I'm a UK citizen and have worked for #RefugeeAssistance. Close up to border at Chelm. The militarisation of the conflict was entirely fuelled by empire builders on both sides. The struggles of Der Mittle Europische date back to the 12th century. Too many vested interests, too much money to be made. Not forgetting both the Ukrani Mafia and the Ruski Mafia are very active. My heart bleeds for the women and children on all sides. #StopAllWars #LoveNotHate
#lovenothate #StopAllWars #refugeeassistance