#refugeeconvention #amnestyinternational #australia #auspol
Home Office faces ‘exodus’ of asylum caseworkers who fear being forced to break law | The Independent
#homeoffice #asylum #AsylumCaseworkers #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #LackOfTraining #trauma #humanrightsact #refugeeconvention #rwanda #overload #Braverman #JuniorCivilServants #backlog
Not content with picking a legal fight with the EU, and losing, the English government could now be taking on the rest of the world. Will the UK be leaving the UN as well as the Council of Europe?
#refugees #eu #un #coe #echr #unhcr #refugeeconvention
"Illegal Migration Bill"?
The UK's Migration Bill is "illegal", all right.
#IllegalMigrationBill #UKPolitics #AsylumSeekers #Asylum #UNRefugeeAgency #Refugees #SmallBoats #RefugeeConvention
#illegalmigrationbill #ukpolitics #AsylumSeekers #asylum #unrefugeeagency #refugees #smallboats #refugeeconvention