I really couldn't give to shits about some rich asshats dying in an ill-advised sub disaster when there are people risking their lives every day for a better future and being turned back to see by the Greek Coast Guard.
URGENT. #AmnestyInternational Call on #Canada 🇨🇦 to be a leader for #RefugeeRights, by rescinding the #SCTA.
TAKE ACTION HERE >> https://takeaction.amnesty.ca/page/103088/action/1?locale=en-US&en_chan=tw_ty&en_ref=14005628
#amnestyinternational #canada #refugeerights #scta
Emergency Rally & Petition Delivery:
No STCA! Status for All!
✨️ Petition Delivery
Tuesday, April 04, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Minister Marco Mendicino's Office
511 Lawrence West
Toronto, ON
✨️ Memorial for Those Who Have Died
Organized by the Toronto Refugee Rights Day organizing committee
4:30pm; same location.
✨️ Sign the Petition:
✨️ Background:
Refugees and other migrants were already dying crossing via Roxham Road because the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) and other immigration laws made it impossible to travel safely.
Now, with STCA expanded, both the US and Canada have legislated a policy of turning away migrants. Any refugee crossing over will be able to be deported without due process within the first 14 days of arrival.
This will force refugees to take even more dangerous routes and cause even more suffering and death.
Prime Minister Trudeau says Canada welcomes migrants, even as he is slamming the door shut and putting migrants in danger.
#NoOneIsIllegal #MigrantRights #TorontoActions #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #RefugeeRights #NoOneIsIllegalOnStolenLand
#nooneisillegal #migrantrights #TorontoActions #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #refugeerights #nooneisillegalonstolenland
Well done to this woman who shouted: "Allow migrants into this country! Refugees deserve sanctuary." at Sunak and Sue Ellen ("call me Dallas") Braverman in Chelmsford. 👏 👏 👏
#refugeeswelcome #refugeerights
"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.
We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”
Desmond Tutu
Billions are being spent on "stopping" migration.
2 billion people have no access to safe drinking water. Would these resources not be better spent in assisting people to remain where they are?
With war, conflict, and environmental chaos, we need to start looking at why refugees are created.
We are constantly ask why we think people make the decision to make the dangerous trip to Europe.
To add another quote, nobody puts their children in a boat if the land is safer than the sea.
From the beginning of this current "crisis," the only plan of governments is to stop refugees. From pushbacks to bizarre off shore detention plans, drones, more boats, more coast guard, more fences and walls
We have called for safe passage and humanitarian corridors since 2015. Safe routes that don't destroy lives, kill children, and create broken people who are a burden to the state that finally accepts them.
#desmondtutu #quote #desmondtutuquotes #archbishopdesmondtutu #archbishop #archbishopdesmondtutuquote #archbishopdesmondtutuquotes #quotes #refugees #refugee #migration #refugeecrisis #crisis #fotresseurope #europe #notjusthope #hope #safepassage #safetyforall #refugeerights
#desmondtutu #quote #desmondtutuquotes #archbishopdesmondtutu #Archbishop #archbishopdesmondtutuquote #archbishopdesmondtutuquotes #quotes #refugees #refugee #migration #refugeecrisis #crisis #fotresseurope #europe #notjusthope #hope #safepassage #safetyforall #refugeerights
The #UKgovernment is introducing a bill to deter #SmallBoats migration and remove those who arrive illegally. It violates international law, overriding domestic laws, the Refugee Convention and Human Rights Law.
#Refugees #RefugeeRights #Immigration
#UKGovernment #SmallBoats #refugees #refugeerights #immigration
Help refugees and immigrants around the world with #TeaAction! Let’s raise our voices together and make a difference! #immigrantrights #humanrights #refugeerights #humanitarianism https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-23&topic=お茶アクション
#humanitarianism #refugeerights #HumanRights #immigrantrights #teaaction
#Suriyeli refugees’ stories in Turkey highlight civil unrest & security woes. #RefugeeRights #FigureOutSuriyeli #Turkey #Hatay #Muharremİnce https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-10&topic=Suriyeli
#Muharremİnce #Hatay #turkey #figureoutsuriyeli #refugeerights #Suriyeli
#Suriyeli refugees’ stories in Turkey highlight civil unrest & security woes. #RefugeeRights #FigureOutSuriyeli #Turkey #Hatay #Muharremİnce https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-10&topic=Suriyeli
#Muharremİnce #Hatay #turkey #figureoutsuriyeli #refugeerights #Suriyeli
Behrouz Boochani urged Labor to be “brave … do the right thing – support this bill and transfer people to Australia”.
No Detention No Haslar spokesperson “Committing millions of pounds of capital expenditure to prepare for an ineffective scheme which may never become operational is an unforgivable waste of public funds and amounts to nothing more than political ‘virtue signalling’ by the Home Secretary... Suella Braverman at taxpayers’ expense. https://www.thegosportglobe.co.uk/campaigners-fight-haslar-detention-centre-plans/?fbclid=IwAR1IaL6RaSId1YYyB1Sbk8cjQkmRhYtiDJrHg470gGl1cGWCMrtV8jhdckA #NoRwanda #StopTheRwandaFlights #StopTheFlights #RefugeesWelcome #Refugees #RefugeeRights #CruellaBraverman #SuellaBraverman #NoDetentionNoHaslar
#norwanda #stoptherwandaflights #stoptheflights #refugeeswelcome #refugees #refugeerights #cruellabraverman #suellabraverman #nodetentionnohaslar
Today we received 6 amazing pallets of clothing from @hamburgerhilfskonvoi .
We started unpacking them immediately because we were desperate for adult clothing.
We would like to send our thanks to Hamburg Hilfskonvoi for all their support and to everyone involved for making this possible.
The pallets were packed with warm sweaters, trousers, and coats for adults as well as Blankets and shoes
We are so happy that we can now give people warm coats when they visit us, we have been out of stock over the last few weeks.
Only with incredible support like this are we able to continue.
#hamburgerhilfskonvoi #hamburg #hilfsconvoi #hilfe #convoi #hopeproject #lesvos #refugees #refugee #aid #refugeeaid #refugeehelp #refugeecrisis #refugeelivesmatter #refugeerights #refugeeclothes #refugeeclothing #hope #hoping #notjusthope
#hamburgerhilfskonvoi #hamburg #hilfsconvoi #hilfe #convoi #hopeproject #lesvos #refugees #refugee #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #refugeecrisis #RefugeeLivesMatter #refugeerights #refugeeclothes #refugeeclothing #hope #hoping #notjusthope
RT @RohingyaMakzin@twitter.com
Our children also feel anxious about their future just like we do.
#Rohingyachildren #feelanxious #abouttheirfutur #justlikewedo
#rohingyachil #refugeerights
#rohingyatographer #rohingyatography #inbangladesh
Photo and caption: @ShahidaWin2@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RohingyaMakzin/status/1619744388925775873
#rohingyachildren #feelanxious #abouttheirfutur #justlikewedo #rohingyachil #refugeerights #rohingyatographer #rohingyatography #inbangladesh
RT @ShahidaWin2@twitter.com
Our children also feel anxious about their future just like we do.
#Rohingyachildren #feelanxious #abouttheirfutur #justlikewedo
#rohingyachil #refugeerights
#rohingyatographer #rohingyatography #inbangladesh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ShahidaWin2/status/1619721579608567810
#rohingyachildren #feelanxious #abouttheirfutur #justlikewedo #rohingyachil #refugeerights #rohingyatographer #rohingyatography #inbangladesh
RT @Hossain46969127@twitter.com
Rohingya Refugee camp ,ukhiya , cox's bazaar Bangladesh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Hossain46969127/status/1617843297279705088
#rohingya #bachelornation #refugeerights
RT @Hossain46969127@twitter.com
UN , UNHCR and Bangladesh registered refugee of 1992.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Hossain46969127/status/1618149424475303936
#refugeerights #unhcr #rohingya
Braverman refuses to apologise to Holocaust survivor, 83, over refugee ‘invasion’ remarks. ‘I’m not a party political animal, but I feel very, very strongly about the language and exactly how it is used to stir people up’
Apparently, the Home Office wants this story taken down, as it embarrasses the Home Secretary. That is all the more reason to spread it widely.
#refugeerights #refugees #homeoffice #Braverman
The Guardian view on pulpit politics: not just for Christmas
#CofE #ArchbishopofCanterbury #RefugeeRights #Welby
#cofe #ArchbishopofCanterbury #refugeerights #welby