"It is clear that the disaster was a product of political decisions. [...] So long as there are no safe, legal and accessible routes for people to take when fleeing conflict and the effects of #ClimateChange, or seeking to reunite with loved ones or to search for a better life, there will be a business for #smugglers. Only states can open these routes. They choose not to do so."
#RefugeesAreNotIllegal #Greece #Libya #EU #Frontex #SafePassage
#Refugees #ShipWreck
#climatechange #smugglers #refugeesarenotillegal #greece #libya #eu #frontex #safepassage #refugees #shipwreck
Guy who came to England fleeing the war in Yemen spoke to O'Brien earlier. Saw his brother killed in front of him. Came through Europe, mistreated in Orban's Hungary, crossed the channel. Waited a year for leave to remain. Prevented from studying (wants to do Medicine) being told he must work full-time.
"The British sell weapons to the Saudis. We get bombed by the Saudis in Yemen. What are we supposed to do?"
The UK is shameful.
#refugeesarehumanbeings #refugeesarenotillegal
makes #Rwanda all the more scary 🧟
‘shudders’ at the hideous parallels in plain sight. #asylum #refugees are not #illegal
#refugeeswelcome #RefugeesWelcomeHere 🏴
#RefugeesWelcomeHere #refugeeswelcome #refugeesarenotillegal #illegal #refugees #asylum #rwanda
"The Scottish [sic] Conservatives have voted in favour of the UK Government’s proposed Illegal Migration Bill despite the Home Secretary being unable to confirm whether the legislation is compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights."
Andrew Bowie
David Duguid
Alister Jack
John Lamont
Douglas Ross
Had David Mundell been present "he would have voted with the Government.”
#TorySewageParty #refugeesarenotillegal
Aye. If you have rights only because you're not a refugee, not fleeing persecution, then those aren't human rights.
There are no human rights in the UK any more.
#RefugeesAreWelcomeHere #refugeeswelcome #refugeesarenotillegal
The FM should remind Ross about this the next time he raises Education at #FMQs.
"Afghan girls may be blocked from taking GCSEs as families moved from London.
" ‘Barbaric’ to take away exam chance after all teenage refugees have overcome, headteacher says. "
BREAKING BBC announces tomorrow evening's Match Of The Day presenters.
#refugeesarenotillegal #GaryLineker #bbcbollocks
Bericht auf arte : wie sicher sind Kreuzfahrtschiffe? Des Deutschen liebster Luxusurlaub 😱
Ja, es ist irgendwo whataboutism. Aber wäre Seetüchtigkeit von Flüchtlingsnussschalen nicht irgendwie, ähm, wichtiger? #RefugeesAreNotIllegal
#RefugeesAreNotIllegal but who cares about them? #Revolution
#refugeesarenotillegal #revolution
#RefugeesAreNotIllegal but who cares about them? #Revolution
#refugeesarenotillegal #revolution
RT @QuakerPete@twitter.com
"The most pressing problem right now is tackling illegal migration"
There you have it, more important than your soaring energy bills, soaring inflation, soaring mortgages, NHS on its knees, economy worsening, etc., etc.
#RefugeesAreNotIllegal https://twitter.com/peterstefanovi2/status/1594727060353720321
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QuakerPete/status/1594838285419008004
#refugeesarenotillegal #torypriorities