Government housed asylum seekers and refugees in sub-standard accommodation and treats them like criminals.
#AsylumSeekers #Refugees #RefugeeWeek #Accommodation #Wales #Government #PoorStandards #Criminalised
#criminalised #poorstandards #government #wales #accommodation #refugeeweek #refugees #asylumseekers
@ned @Zee @fifilamoura Someone sent this to me awhile ago. Quite telling. #titanicsub #RefugeeWeek23 #RefugeeWeek #GreeceShipWreck #migrantboat
#titanicsub #refugeeweek23 #refugeeweek #greeceshipwreck #migrantboat
Coming up: Carnival parade and park picnic to mark Refugee Week #Southampton
#bitternepark #localnews #refugees #refugeeweek
#refugeeweek #refugees #localnews #bitternepark #southampton
This #RefugeeWeek, take a stand against the UK government’s immigration bill which the UN has called an “asylum ban”.
Let's use our voice to help support a safer, more compassionate world.
The opening lines from Exodus Terminus by, reflecting on the death of 2 year-old Syrian boy Alan Kurdi.
Therese read this last night at a #RefugeeWeek event in Belfast. Those words have stayed with me.
a boy, a beach
no bucket, no spade
RT @PeterWMurphy1
• 5 people missing in Titanic sub.
• 300+ die in migrant boat disaster.
• The media's coverage of these 2 tragedies says so much about perceived attitudes towards refugees. #RefugeeWeek #RefugeesWelcome
"What are we who are successful willing to do for this girl, and myriad more like her? Or, perhaps, what are we unwilling to give up even if it means her brutal death?" #WorldRefugeeDay
#RefugeeWeek #refugee #refugees #immigrant #immigrants #immigration #UNESCO #UN #UNHCR #WorldRefugeeDay2023 #RefugeeDay
#worldrefugeeday #refugeeweek #refugee #refugees #immigrant #immigrants #immigration #unesco #UN #unhcr #worldrefugeeday2023 #refugeeday
RT @FulhamFCFound: To celebrate #RefugeeWeek we’d like to introduce you to some of Fulham’s Refugee team!
Meet Joel, Mubarek and Hamza! 🤝…
Widening our circles of compassion: Small Worlds #refugee stories
Read our article by Raleigh KUIPERS 👉
“Don’t make assumptions about what asylum seekers and refugees might want or need, recognize the contributions they make to society and culture, and be open to friendship.”
#WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeWeek #CompassionIntoAction #SimpleActs #NorthernIreland #SharedFuture
#refugee #worldrefugeeday #refugeeweek #compassionintoaction #simpleacts #northernireland #sharedfuture
Wichtige Fakten zum #Weltflüchtlingstag
40 Prozent der 110 Millionen Geflüchteten sind Kinder, Zehntausende von ihnen sind alleine unterwegs.
#refuggees #refugeeweek #weltfluchtlingstag
Compassion requires tangible actions that reflect genuine empathy and a commitment to refugee rights. The UK Home Office fails in so many ways.
But there are groups showing how we can put #compassionintoaction this #refugeeweek.
Find out more in our blog. #privacy #humanrights
#compassionintoaction #refugeeweek #privacy #humanrights
Dr Krystal Evans PhD
@dr_krystal “Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution” Article 14, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Let them all come. @firstdogonthemoon #RefugeeWeek #RefugeesWelcome #alttext
#alttext #refugeeswelcome #refugeeweek
At the start of Refugee Week, the UK’s top medical bodies have called for an urgent meeting with ministers after suggesting that tens of thousands of children could be locked up indefinitely if the #IllegalMigrationBill becomes law.
The bill would give the Home Secretary new detention powers without time limit, which would apply to both unaccompanied children and children with their families.
As ever, the cruelty is the point.
#Refugees #AsylumSeekers #RefugeeWeek
#refugeeweek #asylumseekers #Refugees #illegalmigrationbill
This is encouraging news during #RefugeeWeek that most Brits contrary to Tory rhetoric actually wants to welcome refugees.
We need people to vote with their heart not their supposed wallets (although quite why anyone would think after 13 years of austerity and cost of living crisis the Tories make them better off is beyond me…).
#electionnow #ToriesOutNow #refugeeweek