KrisBee · @KrisBee
912 followers · 869 posts · Server


Einer der Gründe:
Das Angebot Mobile-Box wurde eingestellt.

Woran das liegt, hat mir einer der Gründer erklärt:

Sidenote: Das Gespräch wurde mit einem Samsung Galaxy S8 aufgezeichnet. Diesen Job schafft es noch prima :)

#handyspende #elektroschrott #recycling #refurbish #reuse #MobileBox #entsorgung #urbanmining #heiseonline

Last updated 1 year ago

KrisBee · @KrisBee
912 followers · 868 posts · Server
Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1368 followers · 95830 posts · Server

@geist @lou Generell bin ich ein fan von & ...

Einfach weil selbst nen uralter noch zu was taugt...

#thinclient #refurbish #reuse

Last updated 1 year ago

Iam_jfnklstrm · @iam_jfnklstrm
120 followers · 1114 posts · Server

Question: anyone who have done business with They’re selling a Lenovo think pad P53 för approximately 1000 euros. Sound as a great deal, but too great? I want a refurbed laptop instead of a new one. Specs: i7 processor, 64 GB RAM, RTX3000 graphics, 1 TB ssd with two free nvme slots.

#refurbish #lenovo

Last updated 1 year ago

Patric · @gehirnvereisung
7 followers · 10 posts · Server

Kann jemand einen Anbieter empfehlen, der qualitativ gute Ware hat, ohne Gebrauchsspuren auf dem Display. Einen Versuch unternehme ich noch…

#refurbish #laptops #Gebrauchtware #gebrauchtehardware #Gebrauchte_Hardware #lenovolaptop #lenovo #x280

Last updated 1 year ago

Patric · @gehirnvereisung
7 followers · 10 posts · Server

Eigentlich bin ich ein Fan von Geräten. Doch jetzt habe ich, zumindest bei Laptops, die Nase voll. 2 Geräte, Zustand "A", einmal von und einmal von , beide fette Kratzer auf dem Display. Die Gehäuse sahen aus, wie neu, die Display waren eher Mist. Schade. Dann halt doch .

#refurbish #esmcomputer #itsco #neuware

Last updated 1 year ago

Klaus Jürgen :archlinux: · @kluergen
266 followers · 437 posts · Server

Wurde leider bitter enttäuscht vom 3. Kaum benutzt, aber trotzdem schon irreparabel. Aufgrund von extremen Grafik-Artifaken ist es unbenutzbar. Softwareproblem kann ich ausschließen, hab verschiedene /Custom ROMs ausprobiert. Werde jetzt nur noch auf Geräte setzen, nie Probleme damit gehabt, halten ewig, sicherlich nachhaltiger als ein Schrotthandy wo man die Kamera tauschen kann

#fairphone #android #refurbish #samsung

Last updated 1 year ago · @heyaltermuc
90 followers · 1152 posts · Server

nennen es englisch-Sprechende, wenn 1gebrauchter mit freier Software wieder flott gemacht wird,

wird nächsten Herbst die Windows10-Versionen nicht mehr unterstützen. sammelt seit gut zwei Jahren gebrauchte Geräte für bisher 230 Bedürftige auch von Firmen, mit Lösch-Garantie per ABAN wenn es sein muss:

Durch Neu-Installation mit / wird die Festplatte neu formatiert.

Es reicht , muss aber nicht sein, danke!

#refurbish #laptop #microsoft #linux #ubuntu #werkseinstellung

Last updated 1 year ago

Dennis H. · @brokenminded
52 followers · 362 posts · Server

Aus Alt mach Neu!
Ich mag es, Dinge aufzuarbeiten anstatt neu zu kaufen.
Habe einen Fräsmotor gefunden und günstig ein Oberfräsengestell bei Kleinanzeigen gefunden.
War zwar ein bisschen Arbeit, aber hat sich gelohnt 💪

#repair #refurbish

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
904 followers · 10726 posts · Server


"Whether you plan to squeeze a bit more out of a device, want to pass it along to someone, or plan on selling it, repairing or refurbishing it first is a smart move. If you want to try and repair a device, is a great place to start. It boasts more than 90,000 step-by-step repair guides covering phones, tablets, laptops, computers, game consoles, and cameras.

" is another great place to find repair videos, and Chamberlain recommends checking out repair techs like Louis Rossmann, Jessa Jones, Ben’s Appliances and Junk, and Rich Rebuilds, but there's no shortage of repair videos for the specific gadget you're looking for.

"To meet repair experts face-to-face and learn how to fix your own gadgets, look for a repair café in your area. These local pop-up events offer free advice and knowledge exchange from expert repairers to help people in the neighborhood get stuff fixed. Instead of dropping devices off for repair, you sit with the expert and learn how to troubleshoot for yourself. The Restart Project is a good resource for folks in the UK looking to repair or donate devices.

"One thing to be mindful of when attempting to repair a phone, laptop, or another device with a battery inside is to drain the battery before you open it up. For repairs on major white-good appliances, rubber gloves and rubber-soled boots can minimize the risk of getting shocked.

"If you lack the confidence to attempt repairs, you can likely find a good local repair shop by reading reviews. The Federal Trade Commission found that independent repair shops have the same success rate and safety record as manufacturer shops. Many manufacturers have discouraged repairs with the threat of warranty voiding, but victories for the Right to Repair movement have led to tech getting slightly more repairable.

"Just be careful to back up and protect sensitive data on your devices before handing them in at repair shops. Some devices might even have a built-in solution. For example, phone owners can activate before handing a device off to ensure that photos and accounts can’t be accessed."

#repair #refurbish #ifixit #youtube #samsung #maintenancemode #RightToRepair #electronics

Last updated 2 years ago

Don Watkins · @donwatkins
903 followers · 2255 posts · Server

8 steps to refurbish an old computer with Linux |

#linux #refurbish

Last updated 2 years ago

Shakil Akhtar · @shakil_tcs
47 followers · 309 posts · Server

The people who are using Xiaomi Mi A2 aka , what are your plans to do with it apart from throwing it away? Lineage OS has dropped support for it and I am finding it impossible to install the version of Ubuntu Touch based on 20.04. PostmarketOS too isn't usable on this device at the moment. Is there some custom ROM which can be used on it?

#jasmine_sprout #mobile #linux #linux_on_mobile #ubuntutouch #ubports #postmarketos #pmos #android #custom_rom #lineageos #refurbish #hardware #foss #free_software #free_hardware #libre

Last updated 2 years ago

Barry Phillips Smith · @bps_artish
551 followers · 3028 posts · Server
Mathieu · @Leyouki
32 followers · 166 posts · Server
in_sympathy · @in_sympathy
1 followers · 111 posts · Server

Again while we had power today I decided to rather than my .

It is a last gen model yet by today's standards it is a rather old device that is end of life - gosh, Apple even closed the department responsible for the development years ago.

And despite all that those routers are the most reliable ones I've ever used - they just keep on working :apple:.

However once in every 3-5 years it might be a good idea to replace the fan and also the thermal pads on those and get rid of the dust to keep em going strong.

I've done that already to my Time Capsule of the same era, so quick and easy fix it was, but no less enjoyable 🙌

#refurbish #repair #Apple #airportextreme #wifi #router

Last updated 2 years ago

Andreas H. · @kosi2801
35 followers · 159 posts · Server

Letzte Arbeiten, bevor der Laptop zurück an die Besitzerin geht 🙂
Damit wurde ein Rechner von Windows 7 auf 10 aktualisiert (letztes mögliche Upgrade) und hat noch ein, zwei Jährchen länger eine praktische Verwendung vor sich.

Und ich habe Dinge über das Win10 Upgrade gelernt, die ich nie, wirklich nie, lernen wollte... 🤖

Aber: vermieden und gelebt!

#elektroschrott #nachhaltigkeit #repair #refurbish #sustainability #ewaste #retroflashback

Last updated 2 years ago

Ben Hur · @benhur07b
125 followers · 208 posts · Server

When needed (and by request), I also help fix/restore/upgrade machines. This 8 year old Lenovo G50-80 got a new SSD and an upgrade to Windows 10 with updated drivers and BIOS.

#windows #stopEwaste #computers #pc #ewaste #refurbish

Last updated 2 years ago

coolmccool · @Coolmccool
147 followers · 694 posts · Server

@benhur07b This is GREAT. I also have an old work laptop running (Ubuntu) which I use as a dedicated device for playing music, running streaming services (connected to a projector). Otherwise it would be in landfill.

#linux #ubuntu #righttorepair #refurbish

Last updated 2 years ago

Ben Hur · @benhur07b
122 followers · 202 posts · Server

I believe that everyone deserves to have a serviceable computer and the good thing is we don't even need to keep producing new computers to achieve this goal.

🧵 7/n

#righttorepair #linux #opensource #foss #xubuntu #windows #upgrade #stopEwaste #ewaste #refurbish #computers

Last updated 2 years ago

Ben Hur · @benhur07b
122 followers · 201 posts · Server

If you are in the and you or your organization is interested in using/transitioning to Linux or open source—e.g. you want to try using Linux as your main OS or your organization has a lot of old computer lying around that you want to refurbish or donate—let's talk and see how we can collaborate.

🧵 6/n

#philippines #righttorepair #linux #opensource #foss #xubuntu #windows #upgrade #stopEwaste #ewaste #refurbish #computers

Last updated 2 years ago