Discover the power of mindfulness: unleashing your focus
#MindfulnessMatters #FocusOnWhatMatters #RegainControl #BreakFreeFromBurnout #UnleashYourPotential #TransformYourLife #SelfDiscoveryJourney #ResilienceInChallenges #EmbraceMindfulness #FindYourBalance #ReclaimYourFocus #TriumphOverAdversity
Gail Gazelle is an internal medicine physician and physician coach.
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#mindfulnessmatters #focusonwhatmatters #regaincontrol #breakfreefromburnout #unleashyourpotential #transformyourlife #selfdiscoveryjourney #resilienceinchallenges #embracemindfulness #findyourbalance #reclaimyourfocus #triumphoveradversity
The absolute clarity has returned. The total control over my feelings and emotions and not being a passenger in my life any longer. No longer a slave to someone else’s thoughts or opinions. Nobody living in my head rent free. Removing alcohol from my life has done that and long may it continue. #alcohol #noalcohol #teetotal #regaincontrol #getyourlifeback #youcandoit #lifechanging #newstart #newbeginnings #newlife #daybyday
#alcohol #NoAlcohol #teetotal #regaincontrol #getyourlifeback #youcandoit #lifechanging #newstart #newbeginnings #newlife #daybyday