RT @gerardreid14@twitter.com
Picture of the Week: The #Exemplar which is a floating #gas storage and regasification unit, an #FSRU arrived in #Finland earlier this week. This massive ship has a storage capacity of 150,900 m3 of #LNG and can provide more than 5bcm per year of #regasification capacity.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gerardreid14/status/1608745392598061056
#exemplar #gas #fsru #finland #lng #regasification
Big Chemistry: Liquefied Natural Gas https://hackaday.com/2022/12/21/big-chemistry-liquefied-natural-gas/ #liquefiednaturalgas #regasification #CurrentEvents #heatexchanger #liquefaction #Engineering #OriginalArt #cryogenic #Featured #methane #energy #LNG
#liquefiednaturalgas #regasification #CurrentEvents #heatexchanger #liquefaction #engineering #OriginalArt #cryogenic #Featured #methane #energy #lng
Big Chemistry: Liquefied Natural Gas - The topic of energy has been top-of-mind for us since the first of our ancestors c... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/21/big-chemistry-liquefied-natural-gas/ #liquefiednaturalgas #regasification #currentevents #heatexchanger #liquefaction #engineering #originalart #cryogenic #featured #methane #energy #lng
#lng #energy #methane #featured #cryogenic #originalart #engineering #liquefaction #heatexchanger #currentevents #regasification #liquefiednaturalgas
Piombino, protest against the regasification plant: “You are killing the fishing and tourism industry”
#piombino #protest #against #regasification #plant #killing #fishing #tourism #industry #6luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5mb3JtYXppb25lY29uc2FwZXZvbGUuY29tLzIwMjIvMDcvcGlvbWJpbm8tcHJvdGVzdC1hZ2FpbnN0LXJlZ2FzaWZpY2F0aW9uLmh0bWw=
#6luglio #industry #tourism #fishing #killing #plant #regasification #against #protest #Piombino