Great fun! Honestly, despite the live-action superhero movies being a bit of a miss lately, I have loved a few of the recent big blockbusters.
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #DungeonsAndDragons #ChrisPine #MichelleRodriguez #HughGrant #JusticeSmith #RegéJeanPage #SophiaLillis #DaisyHead #JohnFrancisDaley #JonathanGoldstein
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #dungeonsAndDragons #chrispine #michellerodriguez #hughgrant #justicesmith #regejeanpage #sophialillis #daisyhead #johnfrancisdaley #jonathangoldstein
We have lost a part of ourselves. All that matters is what we do with what remains.
spoken by Xenk, played by #RegeJeanPage (1988)
from #DungeonsAndDragons – Honour Among Thieves (2023)
at about 1h03m of 2h16m
#chrismckay #michaelgilio #johnfrancisdaley #jonathangoldstein #dungeonsanddragons #regejeanpage
#DungeonsAndDragons #HonorAmongThieves: A charming and fun fantasy adventure with some of the best casting I'm expecting to see all year.
It is immensely satisfying to see how far Goldstein and Daley have come since *shudder* Vacation 2015.
Full review at Mahan's Media: #film #movies #filmreviews #moviereviews #fantasy #action #adventure #comedy #heist #chrispine #michellerodriguez #regejeanpage #justicesmith #sophialillis #hughgrant #jonathangoldstein #johnfrancisdaley #RPG #dontmesswiththeOGL
#dungeonsanddragons #honoramongthieves #film #movies #filmreviews #moviereviews #fantasy #action #adventure #comedy #heist #chrispine #michellerodriguez #regejeanpage #justicesmith #sophialillis #hughgrant #jonathangoldstein #johnfrancisdaley #rpg #dontmesswiththeogl
Chris Pine e Regé-Jean Page in Dungeons & Dragons - L'Onore dei Ladri (2023) per la regia di Jonathan Goldstein e John Francis Daley
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #JonathanGoldstein #JohnFrancisDaley #ChrisPine #RegéJeanPage #BarryPeterson #DnDMovie
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #jonathangoldstein #johnfrancisdaley #chrispine #regejeanpage #barrypeterson #dndmovie
As one of the stars of "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves," Regé-Jean Page fell in love with the movie's emotional core and sense of humor.
#RegeJeanPage #DungeonsandDragonsHonorAmongThieves #DungeonsandDragonsMovie #DnDMovie #DungeonsandDragons #Movies #movienews #film #entertainment #entertainmentnews #Celebritynews
#regejeanpage #dungeonsanddragonshonoramongthieves #dungeonsanddragonsmovie #dndmovie #dungeonsanddragons #movies #movienews #film #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebritynews
With "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" relying heavily on comedy, Regé-Jean Page says the entire cast rose to the occasion to bring the laughs
#RegeJeanPage #DungeonandDragonsHonorAmongThieves #Film #Movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #Celebritynews
#regejeanpage #dungeonanddragonshonoramongthieves #film #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebritynews
As one of the stars of the new movie "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves," Regé-Jean Page says the entire cast and crew are excited about what they've made.
#RegeJeanPage #DungeonsandDragons#DungeonsandDragonsDungeonsandDragonsHonorAmongTheieves #Film #Movies #Movienews
#regejeanpage #dungeonsanddragons #film #movies #movienews
Science has determined that Regé-Jean Page is the most handsome man in the world, but I wonder whether science is aware of men who are not famous in the US. (This is not to say I disagree.)
What hashtags do I even use here? #RegeJeanPage? #Science? #Handsome? #MyThirstIsReal?
#regejeanpage #Science #handsome #mythirstisreal
Song of the Day January 24 2023
In honor of the birth of Regererai Page nka Regé-Jean Page
Regé-Jean Page Gets Ready for the Met Gala
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #RegereraiPage #RegeJeanPage #MetGala #Armani #EmmaWatson #Vogue #VogueMagazine #AnnaWintour #Swarovski #EthicallySourcedDiamonds
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #regereraipage #regejeanpage #metgala #armani #emmawatson #vogue #voguemagazine #annawintour #swarovski #ethicallysourceddiamonds