Whatzaname in MO USA · @whatzaname
216 followers · 1409 posts · Server masto.ai

@MrShoggoth Well, actually I am super jealous because I would have *loved* Classic but didn't have access growing up. When I found the series on the wilds of the internet, i started at (and sobbed when he , took a while to move on tbh) and only see Classic by searching youtube.
So, I concede .. the tie.

#doctorwho #eccleston #regenerated

Last updated 2 years ago

GenghisKen Coar · @GenghisKen
16 followers · 62 posts · Server ruby.social

That might be a useful . How often, if at all, are these lines likely to be edited? How many are ? Will they ever need to be based on new knowledge or ? Rather than thinking of them in a or way, how about in terms of sheer ? What's easiest for , , and ?

#metric #constant #regexp #autogenerated #regenerated #constraints #partitioning #functional #elegant #maintainability #editing #documenting #maintsining

Last updated 2 years ago