The last '#regeneration retrospective' on @the_node says "goodbye and thanks for all the fish", featuring work from a Nobel Prize winner and Lili Zhou, Ken Poss, Mayssa Mollaked and colleagues.
I hope this #ISRB2023-inspired series was entertaining! Peace out.
On the final day of #ISRB2023, our retrospective @the_node post introduces zoologist, engineer, Lieutenant and author David Newth, and his work on epimorphic tail #regeneration, complemented by recent studies by Momoko Deguchi, Taro Fukazawa and Takeo Kubo.
No wound, no #regeneration! In this collagen-centric third instalment on @the_node, we discuss the work of amateur guinea pig tattoo artists, together with @simoesfili, Paul Riley and colleagues' study of #cardiacregeneration. #ISRB2023
#regeneration #cardiacregeneration #isrb2023
Meine #Regeneration läuft auf Hochtouren… 😅 Es war ein extrem schönes Erlebnis, letzten Sonntag an der #Duathlon #Weltmeisterschaft in #Zofingen teilzunehmen. 🤩 Ich bewältigte die Kurzdistanz und klassierte mich besser als ich es erwartete: 9. Rang von 29 in meiner Alterskategorie, Rang 70. von 230 im Gesamtklassement. Bin sehr happy und zufrieden. 😎
#regeneration #duathlon #weltmeisterschaft #Zofingen #radsport #Laufsport #powerman #powermanzofingen2023 #WM
Today on @the_node, a 3-minute read on skeletal muscle #regeneration. We meet East Africa-based chiropteran-crusher, JCT Church, and take a whistle-stop tour through the work of Corey Flynn, Deneek Willik & colleagues. #ISRB2023
Introducing 'A regeneration retrospective', a miniseries on
@the_node in honour of the
@ISRB #ISRB2023 meeting. Each day I compare a #regeneration article from one of @Dev_journal's first issues with today's research.
In the first post, learn about a Danish couple that enjoyed long walks on the beach collecting flatworms and the work of Hayoung Lee & colleagues.
I hope you enjoy and revisit @the_node tomorrow for the next post.
“Western and global #politics has shifted relentlessly toward the normalisation of authoritarianism. But this isn't happening out of the blue. This process is *intimately related* to a deeper and wider earth system.”
#news #society #culture #regeneration
#regeneration #culture #society #news #politics
Lacramioara Bintu from Stanford introducing the first speaker of the conference! She is Prisca Liberali from FMI in Basel, joining us virtually.
"Decoding the design principles of tissue organization"
Model system is intestinal #organoids
One #stemcell can generate an entire, organized, organoid
#multiplexed #SingleCell analysis of organoids, using to understand #regeneration after intestinal damage
A screen with 400K organoids and 3000 compounds!
#regeneration #SingleCell #multiplexed #stemcell #cssinglecells23 #selforganization #organoids
Regentropfen so groß wie Hühnereier. Platsch! Platsch! #regen #regeneration #Platsch
oiL (2010) [4 min] by Shuhei Nishizawa | #Japan
#2D #2DAnimation #AnimatedShort #AnimatedShortOfTheDay #Animation #Regeneration #HandPainted #Rebirth
#japan #2d #2danimation #animatedshort #animatedshortoftheday #animation #regeneration #handpainted #rebirth
We are delighted to be hosting ‘Glasgow’s 1988 Festival: How Did The Garden Grow?’ exhibition 26 August - 8 September by the New Glasgow Society. Come along and relive fond memories of the Garden Festival. Discover a wealth of surprising facts about the event that transformed the way #Glasgow is seen, and how it sees itself. Exhibition opens 2pm Saturday 26 August. All Welcome. #Garden #urban #renewal #exhibition #regeneration
#regeneration #exhibition #renewal #urban #garden #glasgow
28.08.2023 – 21.09.2023
AGRIKULTOUR 2023 - jetzt anmelden
Eine #Radtour durch #Deutschland zu regenerativen landwirtschaftlichen Projekten und Höfen - auf der Suche nach #Inspiration, um neue und zukunftsweisende Wege in der #Landwirtschaft zu gehen und um zu erforschen, wie wir #Regeneration leben können.
#regeneration #landwirtschaft #inspiration #deutschland #radtour Autophagy regenerates every cell in your body, particularly damaged DNA cells (like those created by the covid-19 mRNA vaccines.) Autophagy is a natural process that happens when you fast (without protein consumption so it can rid your body of damaged protein chains (spike proteins) and rebuild healthy new cells. If you need healing ASAP then you will want to use Autophagy Activators that make the process happen faster and deeper. Repair your DNA and get full body cellular regeneration and deep healing on all levels. It works well during prolonged or intermittent fasting. Use it if you’re on a healthy ketogenic diet to enhance your healing and weight loss results dramatically. #autophagy #dna #regeneration #mRNA #healing
#autophagy #dna #regeneration #mRNA #healing
Introducing our third #keynote speaker for the #GfÖ23 annual meeting @idiv in Leipzig! Make sure not to miss out on Prof. Vojtech Novotny’s talk on “#Rainforest #regeneration: experiments in #Papua #New #Guinea”
#keynote #gfo23 #rainforest #regeneration #Papua #new #guinea
Eating from the garden: canteloupe
#garden #healthyeating #permaculture #regeneration #foodsovereignty
Eating from the garden: rattlesnake pole bean
#garden #healthyeating #permaculture #regeneration #foodsovereignty
♻️ Mulch, compost, add layers, but unless you have SERIOUSLY compacted soil, don't till please. It's for the soil's sake and for the regeneration of it's biosphere that we've destroyed. ♻️
#farming #Gardening #regeneration #soil #naturalist
Guten Morgen lieber Ortwin.
Manchmal lässt der gesundheitliche Zustand nichts anderes zu.
Eating from the garden: amaranth
#garden #healthyeating #permaculture #regeneration #foodsovereignty
hier tooted die Arbeitsgruppe Regenerative Kulturen von Extinction Rebellion Deutschland.
#reku #regenerativ #regeneration #regenerativeKulturen #klimakrise #regen #xr #ExtinctionRebellion
#reku #regenerativ #regeneration #regenerativeKulturen #KlimaKrise #regen #xr #ExtinctionRebellion