Ok mastodon, who knows about #RegenerativeAg as a solution for #carbonSequestration - yay or nay?
Points for good references to scientific studies...
#RegenerativeAgriculture #carbonsequestration #regenerativeag
@epistatacadam @helenczerski
Carbon sequestration in soil is certainly not being ignored by those of us that are working to reduce the [CO2] of our thin, precious atmosphere. #RegenerativeAg
The 2 oldest banana circles are finally hitting their stride about a year later. Cowpeas and sweet potatoes are the primary groundcover, 4 varieties per circle with pineapples and ginger mixed in as well.
Working on our soil is a long project, so seeing plants start to do something resembling thriving is super reassuring.
The newer 2 circles are not as joyful but that makes sense, as they have had months less time to break down mulch and food scraps and get roots all situated.
#foodforest #bananas #regenerativeag #gardening #floridafoodforest #growyourfood #nuggettreefarm
#foodforest #bananas #regenerativeag #gardening #floridafoodforest #growyourfood #nuggettreefarm
I'm a cradle #Catholic. I did all the stuff (Baptism, Fist Communion, Confirmation) as a wee lad. I was born here all my life. When I was around four years old, the church kicked out my mom and, by extension, my family. I explored other faiths, #meditation, #yoga, #Buddhism, and all the things. I wanted to not convert to a religion or practice that I had not been born to or wasn't otherwise ancestrally connected. I explored Protestant fellowships but soon began seeking "the deeper things" back in the lives of saints. This led to a deep dive into the #EarlyChurch Fathers and early church history. Entering the #OrthodoxChurch, I lived in several monasteries and wandered around the US like the guy in Way of a Pilgrim. I was ultimately drawn to #Theosis and the #PrayerOfTheHeart, sometimes called the #JesusPrayer. That church became tedious as well. Long story short, decades later, a pandemic, and a few ends of the world here I am. I recently stumbled across a podcast called the #PopeFrancisGeneration. I'm intrigued. I am listening. Let's see where my current studies lead.
Some of my interests:
#NewMexico #Ogapoge #SantaFe #SantaFeRiver #Water #Birds #Plants #Medicine #Hiking #Walking #NaturePhotography #Biophilia #Wilderness #Rewild #Rewilding #Regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #UniversalDesign #RegenerativeAg #RegenAg #AppropriateTechnology #Contemplation #Hesychasm #Prayer #Ancestors #Death #Dying #Grief #DeathDoula #DeathAdvocacy #Apophatic #RadicalCompassion #Compassion #SocialJustice #PublicHealth #SocialWork #EnvironmentalJustice #DisabilityRights #HealthEquity #Recovery #RecoveryPosse #Drawing #Writing #VisualThinking #WriteToThink #Journal #BulletJournal #SystemsChange #Humanrights #Inclusion #Accessability #InvisibleDisabilityRights #DisabilityVoice #RacialEquality #PublicHealth #Grief #Hospice #Humanrights #Food #Health #Fasting #Calsthenics #Movement
I'll continue to post interest hashtags in this thread to be.
#catholic #meditation #yoga #buddhism #earlychurch #orthodoxchurch #theosis #jesusprayer #popefrancisgeneration #newmexico #ogapoge #santafe #santaferiver #water #birds #plants #medicine #hiking #walking #naturephotography #biophilia #wilderness #rewild #rewilding #regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #universaldesign #regenerativeag #regenag #appropriatetechnology #ancestors #death #dying #grief #Hospice #deathdoula #deathadvocacy #radicalcompassion #compassion #socialjustice #publichealth #socialwork #environmentaljustice #disabilityrights #HealthEquity #drawing #writing #visualthinking #writetothink #journal #bulletjournal #systemschange #humanrights #inclusion #accessability #invisibledisabilityrights #disabilityvoice #racialequality #food #health #fasting #calsthenics #movement #introduction #introductions #prayeroftheheart #contemplation #prayer #hesychasm #apophatic #recovery #recoveryposse
Have you ever wondered how one might #homestead or do #notill #regenerativeag at the smaller side of the scale? You might start with a compact utility tractor, but what if you wanted to do something even smaller and more boutique? What if you wanted something a bit more #DIY ? What if you wanted to use electric instead of diesel or gas for #energy conservation reasons, or perhaps you want to use #solar or #wind you produce on your farm to actually *farm* it and you can't yet afford something really fancy like a Monarch Electric Tractor? What if you didn't want a tractor with proprietary software or DRM that someone else owns and controls in the first place? What if you need to make some swales or a few small irrigation ponds in really soft, marginal soil conditions? What if you were as crazy as I? Who will build and control these means of production? Stay Tuned...
#homestead #NoTill #regenerativeag #DIY #energy #Solar #wind
Apologies for not being online.
Money is a value system, is always relevant, though not a panacea and each town is different.
In terms of allocating #resources value, govt have served #propertyDevelopers interests and drained resources from local and #regenerativeAg, which helps solve other problems.
We're happy you mention "where people want to live/work". The #corporateState directs a narrative and value system here, its upsidedown and serves an '#extractive' class.
#resources #propertyDevelopers #regenerativeag #corporateState #extractive
@Matt_Noyes @aweiss #Cows that are raised regeneratively are symbiotic in the relationship between their methane output and the soil microbiome that their feet aerate, rather than compact. The soil microbes consume all the methane that the cows produce and more. The overall effect is that cows in a #RegenerativeAg ecology make a positive carbon footprint, and do not contribute negatively to climate change. #AgroEcology #permaculture
#cows #regenerativeag #agroecology #permaculture
Farming with Fungi starts today with Webinar 1 - Fungi and the Soil Food Web. This is the first of a free 4-part series.
#regenerativeag #fungi #gardening
Support the effort to bring #solar #automation tools to #RegenerativeAg via #opensource #robotics and #3DPrinting to halt the #ClimateEmergency
#solar #automation #regenerativeag #opensource #robotics #3dprinting #climateemergency
Faulty reasoning: #Drawdown efforts ease the pressure/motivation to reduce our use of #FossilFuels.
How has that been working out? This has been the position for decades and it's an utter failure. Wishful thinking isn't going to change that. The motivation to reduce fossil fuels isn't going to come until the impacts of #ClimateChange become unbearable, and by then it will be too late to do anything about it.
We need #drawdown from #RegenerativeAg and #biochar NOW.
#drawdown #fossilfuels #climatechange #regenerativeag #biochar
There is a knee-jerk reaction out there to #CO2 #drawdown based on bad facts and faulty reasoning.
Bad facts: drawdown requires technology that doesn't exist and can't scale without massive resource consumption & CO2 emission. The error here is in assuming technology is needed. Nature has a very efficient means of drawdown. We just need to hack the #CarbonCycle so drawdown by photosynthesis doesn't all return to the atmosphere. #RegenerativeAg and #biochar can do that easily.
#co2 #drawdown #carboncycle #regenerativeag #biochar
We need to hack the carbon cycle & sequester carbon draw down by plants into the soil. Farmers & livestock are a key ingredient to get it done, but by demonizing meat consumption, they have become suspicious of the whole climate movement that seeks to upend their livelihood, & would rather purposefully roll coal in their pickup trucks than switch to #RegenerativeAg techniques that would increase their yields & profits while simultaneously making their farms more resilient to climate impacts.
... and therefore the solution must include farmers switching to #RegenerativeAg methods, but they have become suspicious of the entire climate movement because we erroneously demonize an important part of their livelihood.
Would like to see more details regarding how the Carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) and #CarbonCredits would be verified, but if combined with a push for #RegenerativeAg and rangeland management a la The Marin Carbon Project this has potential to make a real impact in #California on the #ClimateEmergency
#cdr #carboncredits #regenerativeag #california #climateemergency
Broiler chicks arrived and are in the brooder! Fresh chicken back in stock in a few weeks!!
#twistedcedarfarm #nongmo #pasturedpoultry #regenerativeag
I don't really understand the end-game anti meat eco activists are after. Mass cow genocide? without ruminants the carbon cycling equation would become out of balance. Less carbon going into the soil from cow shit means more going into the atmosphere instead.
Livestock is a key ingredient in #RegenerativeAg. Please see the Marin Carbon Project studies and the Rhodale Institute White Paper.
/end (for now anyways)
And the way you get #RegenerativeAg is by getting giving farmers & especially ranchers incentives and buy in.
The biggest roadblock to that is the ERRONEOUS inclusion of cow farts as human emissions in carbon calculators. and the demonization of meat and thus the livelihood of the very people who can have the greatest impact. Ruminants have always been part of the natural cycle they are a KEY mechanism by which carbon is sequestered into the soil.
YES, we need to stop pulling carbon from ancient stores and adding it to the short carbon cycle.
But we also need to start drawing down carbon from the atmosphere. The only real way to do that is hacking the natural carbon cycle. We need get biomass into soil storage instead of letting it cycle to the atmosphere. The way you do that is #RegenerativeAg and #Biochar...
Limestone #Permaculture 1 acre #homestead in #Australia at the 13 year point.
- 80 - 120 domesticated animals
- Over 500 Fruit & Nut trees
- Demonstrating numerous #RegenerativeAg farm & garden techniques
#permaculture #homestead #australia #regenerativeag
I've managed to avoid the doom & gloom perspective many have with regards to the #ClimateEmergency because I know that #RegenerativeAg and #Biochar have the capacity to rapidly drawdown carbon from the atmosphere & get it back into the soil without the resources or tech innovations most focus on.
The depressing thing is seeing these solutions ignored, and knowing there's very little political will. (the cow fart/meat thing also alienates the farmers we need to implement solutions)
#climateemergency #regenerativeag #biochar