- Father, please tell me you didn't hire that man.
- Why? His references were good and we need his skills.
- A man with his looks killed the Duke of Gusburg!
- That's far. I didn't know him.
- He was also seen at the murder of the Queen of Petals.
- She was a figurehead. Again, not my problem.
- He said his name is Reginald B. Cyde. How obvious can it get?
- Look, we're a beachfront pancake house and it's tourist season. I don't care what he does in free time.
#tootfic #MastoPrompt #regicide
Whose cide are you on?
all becide the point
because all cides are final
#MastoPrompt for Monday 21st August is: #regicide
#SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
#MastoPrompt #regicide #smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories
Monarch, fallen, sunken grace
Malodorous court of febrile leeches
Cavort in joy at powers’ wane
Old hollow eyes at Death beseeches
Sickness kept at surgeons’ beckon
Paid to play the Reaper’s tune
Dance the line twixt rule and revel
Lest His Grace be gone too soon
Suffers greatly, agéd magnate
From the shadows, shadows slide
Death by steel in silvered silence
End of Empire: #regicide
#poetry #MastoPrompt #regicide
the aim
of a game of chess
#MastoPrompt - #regicide
#writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetry #smallpoems #poem #senryu #haiku #regicide #MastoPrompt
@tanweerdar As Viscount Sir Ainsworth Reginald of Neidertweedles slid his dagger into the all-too-mortal flesh beneath my ermine robe, one final thought rose within my dying mind: “Reggie is no longer on my side.”
#regicide #MastoPrompt #microfiction #smallstories
The #MastoPrompt for Monday 21st August is:
The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.
#SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
@penprompts (please remove link from any replies)
#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #regicide #MastoPrompt
I gotta say it, there really are things about Joe I do not like. His stupid jokes when nothing is funny, his clutziness in general, his temper tantrums, his huge damn ego. It's a testament to how really amazingly good this story is that I care enough about him to find out what happens. Another thought is, it's really great to see a protagonist who specialises in magic, not slinging swords around or fighting with bare hands and feet. I honestly haven't seen too much of that, I suppose because mages or clerics are so glass cannon. So, let's see how this goes now. #Regicide#TheCompletionistChronicles
Today in Labor History June 12, 1907: Spanish authorities released anarchist educator Francisco Ferrer from prison for lack of evidence. They had arrested him for complicity in an assassination attempt against King Alfonso. The bombing had been committed by another young anarchist named Morral, who hid his bomb in a bunch of flowers and tossed it into the royal wedding party, killing 15 and wounding more than 70. Morral had once worked at Ferrer’s Modern School.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #ModernSchool #FranciscoFerrer #spain #barcelona #prison #bombing #regicide #PMPress @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #modernschool #franciscoferrer #spain #barcelona #prison #bombing #regicide #pmpress
Today in Labor History May 31, 1905: The Spanish anarchist Alexander Farras threw a bomb into a procession headed by French President Loubet and the King Alphonso XIII of Spain. The leaders were not hurt, though several people were wounded. Farras was never caught. Four other anarchists were arrested, tried and acquitted. Then, the following year, again on May 31, anarchist Mateo Morral made another attempt on King Alphonso XIII. He hid a bomb in a bunch of flowers and threw it at the King during his royal wedding. Because he worked in Modern School’s publishing house and was a friend of Francisco Ferrer (the founder of the first Modern Schools), Ferrer was later arrested and imprisoned as an accomplice.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #regicide #atentat #assassination #spain #FranciscoFerrer #ModernSchool #Alexander Farras #bomb
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #regicide #atentat #assassination #spain #franciscoferrer #modernschool #alexander #bomb
Learn how a story about the 17th century's greatest manhunt inspired Robert Harris to write his superb #WalterScottPrize shortlisted novel ACT OF OBLIVION (Hutchinson Heinemann) in this exclusive interview http://bit.ly/WSPharissl
#17thcentury #ColonialAmerica #writingCommunity #regicide #CharlesI @histodons @bookstodon #historicalFiction #RobertHarris #ActOfOblivion
#actofoblivion #RobertHarris #historicalfiction #charlesi #regicide #writingcommunity #colonialamerica #17thcentury #walterscottprize
Learn how a story about the 17th century's greatest manhunt inspired Robert Harris to write his superb #WalterScottPrize shortlisted novel ACT OF OBLIVION (Hutchinson Heinemann) in this exclusive interview http://bit.ly/WSPharissl
#17thcentury #ColonialAmerica #writingCommunity #regicide #CharlesI @histodons @bookstodon #historicalFiction #RobertHarris #ActOfOblivion
#actofoblivion #RobertHarris #historicalfiction #charlesi #regicide #writingcommunity #colonialamerica #17thcentury #walterscottprize
Today in #Connecticut History, March 7: New Haven Hides the Killers of an English King
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#17thcentury #charlesi #charlesii #colonialera #connecticuthistory #edwardwhalley #england #englishcivilwar #hadleymassachusetts #johndixwell #judgescave #march #milford #newengland #newhaven #politicsandgovernment #puritans #regicide #westrock
#connecticut #17thcentury #charlesi #charlesii #colonialera #connecticuthistory #edwardwhalley #england #englishcivilwar #hadleymassachusetts #johndixwell #judgescave #march #milford #newengland #newhaven #politicsandgovernment #puritans #regicide #westrock
Today in Labor History February 1, 1908: Republicans and members of the Carbonaria killed King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir apparent in the Lisbon Regicide. As a result of the assassinations and the anti-monarchy protests that followed, the constitutional monarchy ended several months later.
#attentat #assassination #lisbon #portugal #republican #regicide #protest #monarchy
#attentat #assassination #lisbon #portugal #republican #regicide #protest #monarchy
"Good morning all & on this day in 1649, King Charles I was murdered and martyred in London after a heinous show trial instigated by a thoroughly illegitimate Parliamentary regime. "I shall go from a corruptible to an incorruptible Crown". The King's final word: "Remember"."
#GrayConnolly #charlesi #regicide
#OTD 1649, King Charles I was executed at Whitehall. In this blog, Dr Patrick Little looks at one of the individuals who signed Charles' death warrant, Sir Hardress Waller, and asks, 'how did a fairly unremarkable country gentleman become a king-killer?'👇 http://ow.ly/ViBW50MlAu8
#17thCentury #regicide #civilwar #charlesi #otd
Ладно, не будем о грустном (это я про свой предыдущий пост, если что).
Хочу поделиться интересной находкой с тесеры: игрой Regicide, для которой понадобится только колода карт 54 шт.
Regicide это кооперативный босс-файт для 1-4 человек. Вы с друзьями должны победить 12 боссов: 4 вальтов, 4 королев и 4 королей.
Правила простые, если хочется чего-то кооперативного, но в правилах разбираться влом - вот вам классный вариант. Еще круто напечатать свою собственную колоду с соответствующими иллюстрациями)
#настольныеигры #простыеправила #Regicide #боссфайт #кооп #кооперативнаяигра #правила #правилаигры
#правилаигры #правила #кооперативнаяигра #кооп #боссфайт #regicide #простыеправила #настольныеигры
#boardgame #桌遊 #regicide #弒君者