Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
148 followers · 6778 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Martin Holland · @fingolas
748 followers · 1276 posts · Server hannover.town

G.O.P. Bars Lawmaker From House Floor

The move was the culmination of a weeklong battle between House leadership and Representative after her impassioned comments over a that would prohibit care for transgender minors.

“When I rose up and said, ‘There is blood on your hands,’ I was not being hyperbolic. I was speaking to the real consequences of the votes that we as legislators take in this body,” she said. She added that when Mr. refused to let her speak, he was also “driving a nail in the coffin of .”


#montana #transgender #zooeyzephyr #bill #regier #democracy

Last updated 1 year ago

zeruch · @zeruch
271 followers · 3318 posts · Server mastodon.social

" Sen. Keith is proposing asking to study alternatives to reservations. The measure, ...riddled with racial stereotypes,... causing tensions to surface at the Republican-controlled Montana Legislature that kicked off this week."

The cerebral torpor of the today extends down to every state and municipality. It's just baffling how a party could be so metastatic to itself. It has zero ideas of note on the future of any kind.


#republican #regier #congress #gop

Last updated 2 years ago