When I go to #NovaScotia, I stock up on #WebsterFarms beans. It's hard (read: impossible) to find these varieties here in Eastern Ontario. #regionalfoods #tasteofnovascotia
#novascotia #websterfarms #regionalfoods #tasteofnovascotia
I bought a 5kg jug of Crosby molasses when I was in NS.
I don't mess around with the 500ml containers up here in Ontario. 😂
My family has been teasing me that I went East to go grocery shopping. (TBF, they're not totally wrong, but it was simply a pleasant add-on to a long-overdue visit back home.)
#tasteofnovascotia #molasses #regionalfoods
Mal schnell in den Kochtopf geschaut: meine liebe Köchin hat heute Kürbissuppe gezaubert 😉 #herbst #regionalfoods
Mal schnell in den Kochtopf geschaut: meine liebe Köchin hat heute Kürbissuppe gezaubert 😉 #herbst #regionalfoods