It sounds like they are singing in a shed in a forest near Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. That’s almost as good as any Scandinavian woods.
@HailsandAles I give you a German #BlackMetal band for #BlackMetalMonday.
Unru ~ Die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten
Here’s the link to the same titled EP:
#sheditwoodsit #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #blackmetalmonday #blackmetal
Another one album for the #blackmetalmonday by @HailsandAles
My neighbours and friends of Lóstregos
#Lóstregos - Alzamento no Norte
#blackmetalmonday #metalgaliza #regionalriffs #blackmetal #metal #lostregos
Wir haben dich auf Metalhead.Club vermisst. Ich hatte gerade geschaut und sorgte mich da du seit einem Monat nicht mehr getrötet hattest. Ich benutze den #RegionalRiffs öfters, nicht nur Samstags.
Komm bald zurück, wenn es deine Situation erlaubt.
Somehow I’m just not getting it right with the #RegionalRiffs contributions for @Banur. I’m hoping it’s still totally fine, I’m using it generously on all days but Saturday.
An early or first #TheSundayStarter for me, here’s a #PostHardCore band from Braunschweig, Germany.
Abandoned In Destiny ~ System Failure
#anydayhashtag #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #posthardcore #thesundaystarter #regionalriffs
It's not only my contribution for @Banur's #RegionalRiffs, in this case it's really #LocalRiffs. #DistortedHeaven played the release show for their first album at a venue I can see from my kitchen window.
Distorted Heaven – Escape from the City
There is for sure room for improvement, but hey, they are newcomers.
#rock #music #distortedheaven #localriffs #regionalriffs
It's not only #RegionalRiffs, in this case it's really #LocalRiffs. #DistortedHeaven played the release show for their first album at a venue I can see from my kitchen window.
Distorted Heaven – Escape from the City
There is for sure room for improvement, but hey, they are newcomers.
#rock #music #distortedheaven #localriffs #regionalriffs
OK, let's take the regional in #RegionalRiffs in quite a broad meaning and let me introduce you to the French band Akiavel. They're from the south-east of France (and I'm in the north-west, so not exactly the same "region", but well... 😅) and they're killing it with their #melodicdeathmetal, with awesome vocals by their singer Auré. Enjoy! 🤘
#melodicdeathmetal #regionalriffs
And to make up for my absence last week, my second entry for @Banur's #RegionalRiffs is some #VaranusMetal:
Komodo: Soul of Dissonance
#compensationweek #varanusmetal #regionalriffs
My first submission for @Banur's #RegionalRiffs this week is
Beneath The Void: By the Seventh
#compensationweek #regionalriffs
Hello, people!
For today's @Banur #RegionalRiffs I'll share one of my top favorite bands.
I've already tooted their stuff, but I can't stop.
They are Novembre, a gothic/doom (with progressive/alternative sprinkles) band from Rome.
This is their third album "Novembrine Waltz". IMHO their masterpiece.
Novembre - Novembrine Waltz (full album)
It's Saturday, so it's time for @Banur's #RegionalRiffs 😊
This week my pick is progressive rock/metal band RICOCHET, from Hamburg, Germany. Kazakhstan, released in April this year, is their third full-length album after Among the Elements (1996) and Zarah - A Teartown Story (2005).
Listen to the album on bandcamp here:
My favorite tracks are Farewell and Kazakhstan 💞
#regionalriffs #music #progressiverock #progressivemetal #ricochet
I’m going to be early for @Kitty’s #MittwochMetalMix with an EP, released in August 2023, by a German #PostHardCore, #MetalCore band from Halle, Germany.
Annisokay ~ Throne of the Sunset
#owlclub #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #metalcore #posthardcore #mittwochmetalmix
Here’s a #RegionalRiffs German #ProgMetal band from Berlin, I specifically saved up for @DXMacGuffin’s #ProgTuesday.
I hadn’t seen anything newer than from 2009 but when I just checked their website it shows a mysterious announcement for a new album in 2023!
Mind Odyssey ~ Illusions
#oldskoolmetalvibe #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #progtuesday #progmetal #regionalriffs
My friends of Bodybag are fakin brutal
#Bodybag - Predominance Of Insanity
#regionalriffs #deathgrind #deathmetal #grindcore #metal #bodybag
I think I have not yet shared this, but it's a perfect match for #RegionalRiffs since the band is from Mönchengladbach less than 30 kilometers from here.
Motorjesus – Hellbreaker
#hardrock #heavymetal #metal #music #regionalriffs
For @Banur's #RegionalRiffs I submit a Hungarian-Moldovan cooperation:
Nest of Plagues: The Silent Ones
Hello, people!
Today, for #RegionalRiffs hosted by @Banur , we will have a trip into Mediterranean Sea.
This release by Stormlord (a band from Rome) is a concept album dedicated to it (which is called "Mare Nostrum" in Roman Age) and its myths. A place with a so rich history needs the right sound and they nailed it with its mix of symphonic black metal, power metal and melodic death.
Stormlord - Mare Nostrum (Full Album)
It's fun searching for something for @Banur's #RegionalRiffs and finding good music that way. Here is #RiseOfKronos from Hamburg, Germany. They are 4 close friends that played music for over a decade together, under the name Surface, but then wanted some change and walk a more professional path and renamed to Rise of Kronos¹ 🔥
One badass #DeathMetal album, called Council of Prediction, coming right up... on bandcamp here:
#regionalriffs #riseofkronos #deathmetal #music #metal
Congratulations to
@vanessawynn for bringing us a new #MetalMusic hashtag.
🥳 🎂 🎈
I, uhm, only know one #GrindCore band and that growling is messing with me… in a V E R Y good way.
Deep Dirty
#growlatme #regionalriffs #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #grindcore #grindayfriday #metalmusic
I’m super late this Friday on my music hashtags, so let’s get to it.
@DXMacGuffin I got a #GermanMetal project, that is a spin off of the band Edguy, of the #SymphonicPowerMetal flavor for you and #FridayMetalCover which is also an early #RegionalRiffs.
Avantasia feat, Eric Martin~ Maniac
#hashtagmaniac #TeutonicMetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #regionalriffs #fridaymetalcover #SymphonicPowerMetal #GermanMetal