I think it's a bit much to say there was a rift in #RegisPhilbin and #KellyRipa's relationship. Regis wasn't going to have as close a friendship with Kelly as he did with Kathie Lee, much less the love he had for Joy. Regis and Kelly's dynamic worked for the show. That's all that should be expected of it. Anything more is bonus.
Some of the comments say #KellyRipa and #MarkConsuelos will only talk about themselves. That's how the show has worked from the beginning, since #RegisPhilbin. Regis occasionally hosted w/ his wife Joy. #KathyLeeGifford occasionally hosted w/ #FrankGifford. It works for the show.
#kellyripa #markconsuelos #regisphilbin #kathyleegifford #frankgifford
Kotaku: The 8 Most Controversial Rides In Disney Theme Park History https://kotaku.com/disney-world-land-tickets-johnny-depp-orlando-florida-1850283148 #gaming #tech #kotaku #disneyparks2cexperiencesandproducts #extraterrorestrialalienencounter #waltdisneyparksandresorts #hospitality2crecreation #piratesofthecaribbean #audioanimatronics #waltdisneyworld #tokyodisneyland #songofthesouth #amusementrides #amusementparks #whoopigoldberg #magickingdom #regisphilbin #jacksparrow #disneyland #darkrides
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #disneyparks2cexperiencesandproducts #extraterrorestrialalienencounter #waltdisneyparksandresorts #hospitality2crecreation #piratesofthecaribbean #audioanimatronics #waltdisneyworld #tokyodisneyland #songofthesouth #amusementrides #amusementparks #whoopigoldberg #magickingdom #regisphilbin #jacksparrow #disneyland #darkrides
Trump publishing private letters from #OprahWinfrey, other celebrities
Winfrey wrote to Trump after he sent her a book excerpt, from his 2000 book, "The America We Deserve," in which he wrote that his "first choice for vice president would be Oprah Winfrey."
Letters from #RichardNixon #RonaldReagan #BillClinton #PrincessDiana #HillaryClinton #TedKennedy #NorthKorea's #KimJongUn #MarioCuomo #ArnoldPalmer #JayLeno #LizaMinnelli #RegisPhilbin and many more are included.
#oprahwinfrey #richardnixon #ronaldreagan #billclinton #princessdiana #hillaryclinton #tedkennedy #northkorea #kimjongun #mariocuomo #arnoldpalmer #jayleno #lizaminnelli #regisphilbin
Another critical question. Who would win a #deathmatch #fight between #LarryKing, #RegisPhilbin, & #PhilDonahue? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20170320122714AA47cWo
#deathmatch #fight #larryking #regisphilbin #phildonahue