N'oubliez pas de donner votre avis sur les pratiques tarifaires (🤔 ) de #gandi https://fr.trustpilot.com/review/gandi.net #domaines #registrar
No happy with the #gandi new prices ? (what a surprise) 👉 do not forget to give your review there : https://www.trustpilot.com/review/gandi.net #Bullshit #Domain #registrar
#gandi #bullshit #domain #registrar
Recommendations for a decent takes most tld’s domain registrar? Seeing as gandi have jacked their prices higher than a British utilities firm I would like to get this sorted.
#domain #webdevelopment #registrar #gandi #icann #nominet
Hey fedi, I'm looking for a domain #registrar in the EU to move away from Gandi. I'd like to find one that is honest/fair in their pricing, has excellent reliability and a good interface to manage my domain records. Bonus points for whois privacy.
What are you using, how have they been treating you?
Wenn die Wunschdomain 250€/Jahr kostet 😱... schnell die #registrar Seite schließen... 🤣
Are there any alternatives to Google Domains domain registrar?
#domains #registrar #google #googledomains
If you have a website domain with Google and want to choose where your domain goes next, WordPress.com is offering the following:
✅ no transfer fees
✅ free SSL installation
✅ free privacy protection
✅ lightning-fast DNS speeds
✅ registration extended by 1 year
✅ same or lower price on all TLDs
More info at the link:
#WordPress #Google #Domains #SquareSpace #Registrar #DomainRegistrar #WordPressDotCom #DomainTransfer #GoogleDomains #Website
#wordpress #google #domains #squarespace #registrar #domainregistrar #wordpressdotcom #domaintransfer #googledomains #website
¿Me pueden recomendar un registrar que no sea maloso como godaddy? Que no sea caro, que use software libre, que propugne las causas populares, etc. #registrar #dns #infraestructura #host #domain
#registrar #dns #infraestructura #host #domain
Best domain registrars/providers? I could use some recommendations right now. #recommendation #domain #registrar
#recommendation #domain #registrar
We support over 500 top-level #domains (TLDs)👉 https://dnsimple.com/tlds?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tld
Making it easier than ever to find the domain names that truly reflect your brand identity, and as an added bonus WHOIS domain privacy protection with auto-renewal is now available for free across all DNSimple plans 😉 #tlds #domains #registrar #whois #dev #app #registrar #branding
#domains #tlds #registrar #whois #dev #app #branding
#domain #registrar
I'm ready to move on from Dynadot.
Any suggestions for a domain registrar that just works without lots of useless stuff in the way?
I already have been through most of the popular ones that got bought out or changed to idiot management like Dyna apparently did.
⚠️ Reminder that #Gandi is going to charge nearly €5/month for mailboxes 🤔 from 13 July, an insane increase following TWS's takeover of the company, which quickly forgot its "No Bullshit" slogan 🤷♂️ Fortunately, there are alternatives such as #Infomaniak #registrar #domain
#gandi #infomaniak #registrar #domain
⚠️ Rappel que #Gandi va facturer les boîtes mail près de 5€/mois 🤔 à partir du 13 Juillet, une augmentation délirante consécutive au rachat par TWS de la boite qui a bien vite oublié son slogan "No Bullshit" 🤷♂️ Des alternatives existent heureusement comme #Infomaniak #registrar #domaine
#gandi #infomaniak #registrar #domaine
⚠️ Rappel que #Gandi va facturer les boîtes mail près de 5€/mois 🤔 à partir du 13 Juillet, une augmentation délirante consécutive au rachat par TWS de la boite qui a bien vite oublié son slogan "No Bullshit" 🤷♂️ Des alternatives existent heureusement comme #Infomaniak #registrar #domaine
#gandi #infomaniak #registrar #domaine
Registrations, transfers, and renewals are better than ever with our new support for async operations in both our API & our UI 👉 👉 https://blog.dnsimple.com/2023/03/api-endpoints/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=APIdomains. Long-running registry transactions will now automatically switch to #async mode if necessary. That means you no longer risk registration requests timing out, regardless of what happens at the registry. #domain #transfer #registrar #devops #api #ui #transfer
#async #domain #transfer #registrar #devops #api #ui
Register & manage your domains with DNSimple, a domain registrar you can trust 👉 https://blog.dnsimple.com/2023/02/why-register-domains-with-dnsimple/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=registrar
#domain #registrar #dns #domains
#domain #registrar #dns #domains
With over 500 top-level #domains (TLDs) supported, find the domain names that truly reflect your brand identity. As an added bonus WHOIS domain privacy protection with auto-renewal is now available for free 😉 👉 https://dnsimple.com/tlds?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tld #domain #registrar #whois #dev #app #domains
#domains #domain #registrar #whois #dev #app
Google Domains shutting down, assets sold and being migrated to Squarespace: https://9to5google.com/2023/06/15/google-domains-squarespace/
question everyone:
I have some domain names at #registrar "A" that will expire in few years. If I transfer those domain names to registrar "B", will they expire at the same original date or do I have to pay again?
J'ai quitté #Gandi (activité #registrar) peu après sa vente par ses fondateurs, lorsque les dernières personnes que j'y connaissais personnellement en sont parties. Grand merci au copain (ziboux !) grâce auquel j'ai migré l'enregistrement de mes domaines chez un autre #registrar français. Jamais je ne lui ai confié l'hébergement de sites web ou la gestion du mail. Aujourd'hui, je continue de m'en féliciter et de m'en réjouir.
#mercrediconfession #gandi #registrar