Many users frequently find themselves:
- Frustrated by awkward, confusing, repetitive, or time-consuming workflows.
- Disappointed with the user interface and its limited customization options.
- Wishing they could just install MacOS or Linux on their machine, but can't because of hardware or policy constraints.

There are thousands of custom apps, , , and other tweaks out there which we can use to make Windows more intuitive, faster, easier on the eyes, and tailor it precisely to our individual whims.

But part of the problem is that there are so many options! How do we know which ones to use? Which ones are safe to install? Stable? Actively maintained? Supported by a thriving user community? 🤯 Welcome to ; Having too many options is roughly equivalent to having no options at all.

Fortunately, has a video that covers 95% of the mods I recommend to every Windows user. Check it out:

#microsoft #windows #shellscripts #registryhacks #analysisparalysis #linustechtips

Last updated 2 years ago