« la fureur » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oya!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualArt #photography #selfportrait #contemporaryArt #réglisse #womensArt #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhotography
#performancephotography #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #womensart #reglisse #contemporaryart #selfportrait #photography #visualart
Oups ! Je ne regarderai plus les rouleaux de réglisse de la même façon
Arrêt cardiaque après une consommation excessive et prolongée de réglisse – Réalités Biomédicales
« la mère des neuf » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oya!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualArt #artVisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensArt #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhotography
#performancephotography #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
« la fureur » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oya!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualArt #artVisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryArt #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensArt #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhotography
#performancephotography #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
« l‘amante »
selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oyá!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualart #artvisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryart #surrealPortrait #expressionism #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensart #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhorotgraphy #femaleArt
#performancephorotgraphy #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #expressionism #surrealportrait #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
« la protectrice » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio
oya!, one of 16 images representing different
aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualart #artvisuel #photography #photographie
#autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryart
#SurrealPortrait #expressionism #MastoArt
#artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse
#womensart #art #motionBlur #collage
#santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz
#performancePhorotgraphy #femaleArt
#performancephorotgraphy #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #expressionism #surrealportrait #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oyá!, final one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualart #artvisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryart #surrealPortrait #expressionism #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensart #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhorotgraphy #femaleArt
#performancephorotgraphy #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #expressionism #surrealportrait #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
« la tornade » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oyá!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualart #artvisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryart #surrealPortrait #expressionism #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensart #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhorotgraphy #femaleArt
#performancephorotgraphy #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #expressionism #surrealportrait #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
« la machette » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oyá!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualart #artvisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryart #surrealPortrait #expressionism #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensart #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhorotgraphy #femaleArt
#performancephorotgraphy #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #expressionism #surrealportrait #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart
« la porteuse de secret » selfportrait, series ¡epaieio oyá!, one of 16 images representing different aspects of the orisha oyá. #visualart #artvisuel #photography #photographie #autoportrait #selfportrait #contemporaryart #surrealPortrait #expressionism #MastoArt #artistsOnMastodon #femaleArt #réglisse #womensart #art #motionBlur #collage #santeria #orisha #oyá #licorice #lakritz #performancePhorotgraphy #femaleArt
#performancephorotgraphy #lakritz #licorice #oya #orisha #santeria #collage #motionblur #art #womensart #reglisse #femaleart #artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #expressionism #surrealportrait #contemporaryart #selfportrait #autoportrait #photographie #photography #artvisuel #visualart