Almost 4 months after my accident and I can finally get into the pool. I swam 3 100s with PT exercises in between each 100. I attempted 25 backstroke and that was an epic fail. Ended up having to just let my left leg drag along. Breaststroke was a bit more successful, though not anywhere close to legal on the feet.
All that to say, it was AMAZING! Felt great while I was doing it and both my knee and ankle feel much better walking around the house.
Day 3 of no boot and I can certainly tell. I have walked more in the last 2 days than I have in the last ~3 months. My ankle is super swollen and sore. My knee is almost as bad. Some days it feels like 2 steps forward and one step back (pun definitely intended)
I made it to the pool today. No swimming, just walking in therapy pool for about 20 min. It felt great.
I haven’t worn my boot since Friday and am doing just with a cane and my tennis shoes.
Hopefully just a week away from swimming again.
My rehab has really kicked in. Almost like a switch was flipped. My physical therapist worked me very hard on Thursday, pushing me to do more than I had ever done and it has paid off. Today, I can walk around with my cane WHILE WEARING A TENNIS SHOE!! This huge, HUGE!
I will be heading to the pool tomorrow for the first time in almost 3 months. Not swimming yet, just walking in the therapy pool, but it’s a start and I can hardly wait.
This week I walked 200 ft with my shoe and a walker.
This week I can push up and stand on my toes wearing a shoe & holding on to the parallel bars.
This week I can step up (leading with my “bad” leg) wearing a shoe & holding on to the parallel bars.
This week I can walk around the house wearing a shoe and using my walker for a couple of hours a day.
These are all things I couldn’t do last week.
I just walked out to the mail box (Using my cane and wearing my boot) to pick up our mail for the first time in 2 1/2 months.
In PT this morning I worked on shifting my weight (wearing my sneaker) side to side and front to back. I couldn't do this exercise last week more than 2-3 times. Today I did it for 2-3 minutes!
Things are getting better.
I was finally able to get some #sewing in today for the first time in 2 1/2 months. I am steady enough to stand at my cutting table, press at the ironing board, and sit at my sewing machine.
I did use my rolling chair quite a bit moving back and forth between cutting table and sewing machine, but I did it and I feel like there just may be a light at the end of the tunnel.
I'm making progress in my PT.
Today I got to put a shoe on my left foot for the first time in more than 2 months. I attempted to walk with said shoe on. It was, painful and I was unsteady, but I did it, albeit using a walker, but I did it.
I can also get around the house, when wearing my boot, using a cane now.
It will still be about 2 weeks before I can get back in the pool, but when I do, it will be because I am wearing a shoe to get to the pool, not the boot.
My rehab is progressing nicely.
Monday - 1st day of walking - I could only walk in 2-3 minute bursts and had to still heavily rely on the wheelchair. Still had to scoot up the stairs on my butt one step at a time.
Tuesday - up to 5-10 minute bursts of walking, still using wheelchair. First time up stairs without scooting on my butt in 2 months!!
Wednesday - 15-20 minute bursts of walking, no wheelchair use AT ALL
Today - Going to PT all by myself 🥳🙌
Find out this afternoon when I can start walking again. If it's today, that means that I could start swimming again within 2 weeks. Gotta be able to walk on the pool deck safely before I can swim.
Fingers crossed it's today!
Was able to get into the truck again today (without assistance again!) and drive us to Winston’s favorite park. I couldn’t get out and walk around with him and Martin, but I was able to get out. This is huge.
Also, going downstairs as gotten easier, and while I still have to scoot up the stairs on my butt one step at a time, that is also getting easier.
Hopefully only 2 more weeks of getting better at this, then I can start using my left leg again.
This morning I thought I would add more strength sets to my swim workout. Fins are hard (and painful) NO! However, I can now do 2 x 100 IM. My fly is a little less sea-horsey and my breast kick is getting even better (and still pain free).
#JustKeepSwimming #RehabIsALongRoad
#justkeepswimming #rehabisalongroad
I was able to do 3 x 50s of IM (4 x 12.5) this morning. Including breaststroke! This is huge. I don't have all the flexibility in my knee to make it legal, but I can do it and without pain! This is HUGE! #JustKeepSwimming #RehabIsALongRoad
#justkeepswimming #rehabisalongroad
Not only can I land two feet on the wall during my flip turns, I can also push off with both feet! This is a huge deal for my knee rehab. #JustKeepSwimming #RehabIsALongRoad
#justkeepswimming #rehabisalongroad