In addition to Biggs, another fmr #FarRight #ProudBoys ldr #ZacharyRehl was #sentenced today. Rehl is to serve 15 years in #prison, after a #jury #convicted him of #SeditiousConspiracy for storming the US Capitol in a failed bid to overturn #Trump's #2020election defeat.
The prison terms handed down by US Dist Judge Timothy Kelly for #Biggs & #Rehl, …sentenced for the #Jan6, 2021, attack, were below US #SentencingGuidelines & far lower than the 33-yr & 30-yr terms sought by #FederalProsecutors.
#farright #proudboys #zacharyrehl #sentenced #prison #jury #convicted #seditiousconspiracy #trump #2020election #biggs #rehl #jan6 #sentencingguidelines #federalprosecutors
Hardfork from #REHL just shows the integrity most #linux community have. I think its important to remember the spirit of why something like linux remained #opensource for years and not bordering/skirting the line
Alright all you virt-manager experts out there, looking for a good tutorial on how to make live backups of a VM where you run current writes to a /tmp/location and snapshot and then re-merge the snapshot with the current snapshot after copying the quiesced system ... got a few, but need to read up more, can you help out #freesoftware #opensource #floss #redhat #rehl #linux #gnulinux mastodon? #virtmanager 🙏
#freesoftware #opensource #floss #redhat #rehl #linux #gnulinux #virtmanager