This was a great contribution to the literature on COVID impacts and I'm excited to see it in print!
RT @Econoflove
The Effect of State Earned Income Tax Credit (#EITC) Eligibility on Food Insufficiency during the #COVID Pandemic by Vivekananda Das #REHO
editor @leightjessica #REHO
Interesting findings about mothers, work and SWB 👇
RT @Econoflove
“Work, Motherhood and Women’s Affective Well-Being” shows that motherhood is associated with higher enjoyment throughout the day. However, much of this relationship appears to be explained by changes in labor market status. #REHO
RT @Econoflove
The emergence of the motherhood premium: recent trends in the motherhood wage gap across the wage distribution by Eunhye Kwak (Free Access through April 30) Editor: @LucieGSchmidt #REHO
large decrease in the average motherhood wage gap i
RT @Econoflove
Forthc. Sept 2023 This #REHO article by @RicardoCiacci shows that the introduction of unilateral #divorce decreases female <<#prostitution>> arrests by between 5% and 10%.
Coordinating editor: S Grossbard
My #ASSA2023 paper from Sunday "Who is Doing the Chores and Childcare in Dual-earner Couples during the COVID-19 Era of Working from Home?" has been published in #REHO. @VictoriaKVernon and I would like to thank our editor @enrica_croda #WFH #ATUS
An ungated version of the paper is available here:
RT @Econoflove
Last day: Cognitive and socioemotional skills and wages: the role of latent abilities on the gender wage gap in Peru by Pablo Lavado, Luciana Velarde & Gustavo Yamada (Free Access through November 30) #REHO
RT @Econoflove
last chance to take advantage of free access: Access to universal childcare and its effect on maternal employment by Audrey Bousselin (Free Access through November 30) #REHO