I recently began watching #mobpsycho100 ! It’s been really good so far :>
#mp100 #reigenarataka #serizawakatsuya #shigeokageyama #art #mastoart
#mobpsycho100 #mp100 #reigenarataka #serizawakatsuya #shigeokageyama #art #mastoart
Killed by kindness... I can't help but think anime!Reigen is speaking to mob, but also for himself, even without realising it. He also has evolved so much. This makes me so emotional #fandom #mp100 #mobpsycho100 #mobpsycho #mob #reigen #reigenarataka
#fandom #mp100 #mobpsycho100 #mobpsycho #mob #reigen #reigenarataka
So much feels, one of my favorite scenes ever, so wholesome.
"hey... Do you know... What I really am"
"what my master is... A genuinely good guy"
#fandom #anime #manga #mp100 #mobpsycho100 #mobpsycho #mob #reigen #reigenarataka #screenshot
#fandom #anime #manga #mp100 #mobpsycho100 #mobpsycho #mob #reigen #reigenarataka #screenshot
RT @TANSU1010@twitter.com
Fox and little kitten!🤲✨ #モブサイコ100 #mobpsycho100
#reigenarataka #kageyamashigeo #モブ霊 #mobrei
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TANSU1010/status/1595149000717799424
#モブサイコ100 #mobpsycho100 #reigenarataka #kageyamashigeo #モブ霊 #mobrei
RT @spatziline@twitter.com
I just found it freaking funny Yor and Loid are so rich and then there's Reigen #SPY_FAMILY #mobpsycho100 #reigenarataka #YorForger
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/spatziline/status/1594088167862173696
#spy_family #mobpsycho100 #reigenarataka #yorforger
RT @t0xicmold@twitter.com
this is canon because i say so #serizawakatsuya #reigenarataka #mp100
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/t0xicmold/status/1583594509434499073
#mp100 #reigenarataka #serizawakatsuya
RT @rj_hooks@twitter.com
That was a great fight! Maybe next time I'll show you my full strength. #REIGENSWEEP #SANSSWEEP #reigenarataka #reigen #mobpsycho100 https://twitter.com/sexymanOTD/status/1567721884761956352
#mobpsycho100 #reigen #reigenarataka #sanssweep #reigensweep