Big Brother 25 Podcast Episode 5 Noms Recap!
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Auster AOP.6 The Auster AOP.6 was a post-war development of the wartime Lycoming-engined AOP.5 (AOP standing for Air Observation Post, outlining its role as an artillery observation platform). This example - seen at a fly-in - is finished as an aircraft of the RCAF, the Royal Canadian Air Force. The all-over yellow scheme was intended to make it stand out against a snowy landscape, in the event of forced landing. The cartoon character painted on the nose (an example of 'nose art') is that of the dastardly 'Captain A.R.P. Reilly-Ffoull' of Arentwee Hall, from the British cartoon strip, 'Just Jake', drawn by Bernard Graddon and published in the Daily Mirror from 1938 to 1952. #Auster #AirObservationPost #AOP #DailyMirror #RCAF #RoyalCanadianAirForce #Lycoming #forcedlanding #aviation #flyin #noseart #cartoon #cartooncharacter #Reilly-Ffoull #JustJake #Canada #BernardGraddon #cartoonstrip #photography #aircraft #artillery #avgeek
#auster #airobservationpost #aop #dailymirror #rcaf #royalcanadianairforce #lycoming #forcedlanding #aviation #flyin #noseart #cartoon #cartooncharacter #reilly #justjake #Canada #bernardgraddon #cartoonstrip #photography #aircraft #artillery #avgeek